Rank Up Dilemma

10or_Strong10or_Strong Member Posts: 1,204 ★★★
I've got another rank up dilemma. I can either take my 5* Sig 200 The Champion to 5/65 for use as an AW boss, or take one of my 6* champs to R2. My best 6* options are included in the poll below.

I am in a lower level alliance right now, as far as AW difficulty. I'm Cavalier, working through my first pass of 6.2, and will be aiming at Act 6 initial clear next. I have all Variants 100% completed except V1. I don't have any particular gaps in my roster, and I've got a solid prestige of 10735 (again, not in a top tier alliance, so that doesn't really matter much).

Who do you think will be overall most useful? Which of these do you really enjoy playing and why?

Rank Up Dilemma 27 votes

R5 5* The Champion (Sig 200)
Apollo107 1 vote
R2 6* Mysterio (Sig 60)
Libralonixpeaty_1977Repto23bigchungus21_0dinCHIEF1121BoranParkerA_Cay47 8 votes
R2 6* Stealth Spidey (Unawakened)
TheVyrusAlex13369Knorr7227DeQueueAleorRockypantherxDrPepper_75Etjamamgj0630jonzerFiiNCHAomine_Daiki10TheInfintyDragon_SlayerND13lowlevelplayerQfuryLegend474Bearmadillo 18 votes


  • jonzerjonzer Member Posts: 161
    R2 6* Stealth Spidey (Unawakened)
    stealthy is really useful and is especially useful for 6.2 champion
  • lowlevelplayerlowlevelplayer Member Posts: 4,292 ★★★★★
    R2 6* Stealth Spidey (Unawakened)
    The champion does not need R5 if you are in a lower level alliance. He will be fine as a miniboss.
    Stealthy has higher damage and more utility than mysterio
  • mgj0630mgj0630 Member Posts: 1,169 ★★★★
    R2 6* Stealth Spidey (Unawakened)
    I personally wouldn't take Champion to 5/65 under any circumstances, but especially not for a niche purpose such as AW defense in a low level alliance. I'm not suggesting he wouldn't get you a decent number of kills, but you have to really ask yourself if it's worth it. Any serious alliance you get matched up with would likely still take him out with an attack bonus, and any casual alliance you get matched up with would likely struggle just the same with a 4/55. Leave rank ups like that for if you ever move to a high tier alliance that takes it very serious with requirements on high level defender diversity.

    With all that said, Stealth Spidey is a beast that can hit like a truck and has some great utility against annoying unstoppable buffs. He obviously benefits from his sig, but he doesn't need it to be awesome, so you don't have to be concerned if you don't dupe him for a long time. And for what it's worth, he can be a pretty annoying defender too with his non-contact hits making him difficult to parry.

    I'm personally taking my 5* to 5/65 during this level up event.

    Good luck with your decision.
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