Beta Access?

I was lucky enough to get selected for the HB beta test. I signed up through the beta tab, and I’ve had a countdown running. I’m now unable to do anything; the participate button is grayed out. Is the beta server just full?
Ya I'm getting the same thing. It was offered to me, count down to it starting and It won't let me in
Me too, and the link there shows this? I havent done a beta not sure what this is
Then current Timer is when it will actually Start.
Awesome. Thank you
I presume. Obvious things have been pretty shaky sometimes like setting coldsnap hurting Iceman!
The Beta Server, and anything done with your account while logged into the Beta one, is on a separate system.
Anything done while playing on the Beta Server DOES NOT carry over into your real account.
Unless you meant if you needed to keep some resources to use on HB in Beta, or wanted to use the Beta to try out some other upgrades as well (thus needing to save some of your other resources prior to the Beta starting). ??