broken matchmaker 8M vs 12M team... [FAME]Shield Philipines

And we still beat them buahaha! and with 1 drop out for 29 members for the smaller team. After pages of trash talking about how it's impossible to clear their 4/55 defenses vs our mostly 4/40s. Example of amazing roster does not equal good player! After dying 17X to a simple Juggs boss they were too afraid to attack our 3rd MD boss, a 4/55 Magik and being chicken costed them. But still, this is broken matchmaking putting 4-star teams vs 4/55 teams. Is there no limit to how much higher you can be ranked with? We won by killing their last boss with under 30 secs left before they could get ours since Magik takes longer to kill, but this matchup should've never happened.
They reported us for hacking last time we slaughtered their bosses with almost no deaths, Kabam expect another report coming soon
It is possible to kill 4/55 bosses with 4-stars although they don't realize this yet.

They reported us for hacking last time we slaughtered their bosses with almost no deaths, Kabam expect another report coming soon
