Guillotine2099 vs UC Storm Pyramid X & Mr Sinister

I saw that these 2 fights were giving people some trouble and wanted to share my favorite counter for them and my favorite champ in the game, Gully99. I think alot of people see her as an LOL and Variant 3 champ but i use her anywhere where the healthpools are 100k or more and she does very well. If the healthpools are less its hard not to kill them before you can reach a special 3 to carry your combo over. There is a way to mitigate this somewhat and thats if you use suicides and run the robot uprising synergy you will get 70% of a bar of power to start the fight with and this brings down her healthpool requirements enough to use her in fights with lesser healthpools. Also ever since i took her to r5 shes been unbelievable for most every UC/side quest boss fight. Just wanted to show her some love on the forums and that she is more then just an LOL champ. If its a boss fight then chances are shes gonna be a good answer for it.
