Increase t3cc

How is it that t3cc are still so hard to get? Every catalyst has gone into overflow in my inventory except t5b and t3cc. I even have enough t4cc crystals (full and shard) hoarded to add another 126 t4cc to my inventory. Yet I can’t get t3cc. Sure we have the daily quests but those cost way too much energy for one catalyst if you’re lucky and if you forgot to do it then you have to wait another week to try again. Then there’s the glory store which is random and caps you at one per day. Besides those unreliable ways of getting them what other ways are there?
So here are my suggestions.
-The daily quests should cost less energy and guarantee at least one full catalyst. Also have two classes a day instead of one in order to have the wait time for the class you want be cut in half.
-Have the catalyst in the glory store be available on a set schedule instead of random
-Have more t3cc crystals available in solo and alliance objectives
-If you’re worried about making t3cc too readily available for new players then make these changes for uncollected and above
So here are my suggestions.
-The daily quests should cost less energy and guarantee at least one full catalyst. Also have two classes a day instead of one in order to have the wait time for the class you want be cut in half.
-Have the catalyst in the glory store be available on a set schedule instead of random
-Have more t3cc crystals available in solo and alliance objectives
-If you’re worried about making t3cc too readily available for new players then make these changes for uncollected and above