Who is the best Champion?

Before I hear anything else, the answer is Quake.
If you have skill, 99% of the game (- truestrike nodes, and NickFury) is solo-able by Quake
She takes A LOT of practice, but after I mastered her, life has been sweet. I was only forced to master her true potential after Siphon node came out where you literally get punished for parrying.
The following pictures are a compilation of some of the more annoying defenders.(most of them were in the moleman expedition, but as you can see, 0 hits given, 0 hits taken.)

If you still feel like she isn’t the best champion because you aren’t skilled enough...
Crossbones solo 1-shot. First go at becoming cavalier.
If you have skill, 99% of the game (- truestrike nodes, and NickFury) is solo-able by Quake
She takes A LOT of practice, but after I mastered her, life has been sweet. I was only forced to master her true potential after Siphon node came out where you literally get punished for parrying.
The following pictures are a compilation of some of the more annoying defenders.(most of them were in the moleman expedition, but as you can see, 0 hits given, 0 hits taken.)

If you still feel like she isn’t the best champion because you aren’t skilled enough...
Crossbones solo 1-shot. First go at becoming cavalier.

I think she'll struggle against variant 3, 1.2 Hyperion.
Give it a go and see.
But yes, she's great. Also not that difficult actually, takes some time and practice, but even I can manage her, and I only play her vary rarely in arena. Unfortunately, don't have her as a 5*
Quake is one of the best champion in the game. And hats off to you all the quake players. She isn't an easy champ to master. Her play style is bit too campy(as COD fanboys would refer).I dont enjoy watching her game play.