My only issue with Incursions

Its no surprise that people run multiple accts in this game and some do it to abuse the game and go against TOS. However, with all this time being unemployed during this crisis, i have had time to play my 2nd acct. Incursions is great! I love it. Perfectly balanced rewards, its challenging, and allows us to grow our accts except for one aspect of it. I have the required amount of 5*s but no resources or the ambition to rank up crappy champs to get past sector 7 zone 4. I only have 6 champs at r4 but i have plenty of champs at rank 3. Its no secret that rank 3s will not get past certain zones in sector 7 and ive already made it to zone 9 in sector 6.
However, this is not my issue. My main complaint is that other sectors are locked to me because of the 5* requirements, so i can't even go into sector 4 or 5 to use my maxed out 4 stars or even sector 3 or 4 to use my maxed 3*s. This prohibits players, mostly the ones who are just starting out or like me that dont have big accts like most endgame players, from continuing to grow so that they can do sector 7. Players who have multiple 5*s due to being in and having their alliance help them shouldnt be penalised for this as it gives an unfair advantage. Now most would argue that a lot of skill is involved and players should "just get better" but not all of us can be as skilled as most of these youtubers.
Incursions takes a lot longer to complete than dungeons did and if people want to spend 6 hours a day doing them for all star rated champs to get more rewards, i dont see what the big deal is locking players out from doing lower levels, especially when they die in zone 10, if they want to go farther, they have to start from the beginning anyways and do it reward free.
So long story short, can we please take the sector lock out out of incursions to give smaller players a chance to grow?
@kabam miike @kabam lyra @kabam theo and what ever other mods that are in charge of the forums and can share this info with the game developing team. Thanks
However, this is not my issue. My main complaint is that other sectors are locked to me because of the 5* requirements, so i can't even go into sector 4 or 5 to use my maxed out 4 stars or even sector 3 or 4 to use my maxed 3*s. This prohibits players, mostly the ones who are just starting out or like me that dont have big accts like most endgame players, from continuing to grow so that they can do sector 7. Players who have multiple 5*s due to being in and having their alliance help them shouldnt be penalised for this as it gives an unfair advantage. Now most would argue that a lot of skill is involved and players should "just get better" but not all of us can be as skilled as most of these youtubers.
Incursions takes a lot longer to complete than dungeons did and if people want to spend 6 hours a day doing them for all star rated champs to get more rewards, i dont see what the big deal is locking players out from doing lower levels, especially when they die in zone 10, if they want to go farther, they have to start from the beginning anyways and do it reward free.
So long story short, can we please take the sector lock out out of incursions to give smaller players a chance to grow?
@kabam miike @kabam lyra @kabam theo and what ever other mods that are in charge of the forums and can share this info with the game developing team. Thanks
In dungeons, if my champs were on cooldown, I could slap some 3* god tiers and just have fun with playing them
But with the incursions, they aren't based on rating but by tier so that means that I'm forced to only use my best champs if I want to get to room 10 for the top zone rewards