Who would Win

Marvel2289Marvel2289 Member Posts: 1,008 ★★★

Who would Win 79 votes

TheTAbyssTimone147Manup456TerraNojokejaymvikasjoshi9617Xcrøss_TRBrokenTKS87MoosetiptronicJohn757TheLegend27Prathapshadow_lurker22Marvel2289BowTieJohnRyseDenzel116Amazing_Demon05DrPepper_75 47 votes
Captain Marvel
AjavedPenumbrousDragonMCOCEB54xXkuyxXDuke_SilverBarath121B_Dizzle_01OurobørosRookiieDutZie_SmashNeotwismAdamanteDragonUnleashedDono512TSM_McocKing_Leo321FiiNCHRocketWaffleMasterpuff 32 votes


  • Marvel2289Marvel2289 Member Posts: 1,008 ★★★
    edited April 2020

    this is a very generic question, as in you are comparing 2 different characters without giving any context, do you mean MCU, mcoc, or comic? Which Thor is this Worthy? Not Worthy? Rune King Thor? what weapons, morals on morals off? Where does it take place? You need to be more specific as this could mean anything without getting a definititve anwser

    MCU Thor (Infinity War version)Vs MCU Captain Marvel
  • Duke_SilverDuke_Silver Member Posts: 2,421 ★★★★
    Captain Marvel
    I think Captain Marvel would beat Infinity War Thor.

    However, Endgame Thor (imo the best Thor we’ve had) could give her a run for her money.
  • FeroX_the_fat_heringFeroX_the_fat_hering Member Posts: 311 ★★

    I think Captain Marvel would beat Infinity War Thor.

    However, Endgame Thor (imo the best Thor we’ve had) could give her a run for her money.

    Don’t you mean infinity war with storm breaker?

    I do think with endgame Thor became a fully fleshed character and makes his previous movies better (IW and END did that for the whole franchise). The writing was great but he wasn’t his strongest in Endgame.
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,969 ★★★★★

    I think Captain Marvel would beat Infinity War Thor.

    However, Endgame Thor (imo the best Thor we’ve had) could give her a run for her money.

    Don’t you mean infinity war with storm breaker?

    I do think with endgame Thor became a fully fleshed character and makes his previous movies better (IW and END did that for the whole franchise). The writing was great but he wasn’t his strongest in Endgame.
    He became more fleshed out in endgame, yes, but also, in endgame he had storm breaker and mjolnir. Captain Marvel is screwed.
  • King_Leo321King_Leo321 Member Posts: 1,211 ★★★
    Captain Marvel
    Definitelyin comics and movies and even games Scarlet witch is powerfull than them all.No favourism
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  • Agent_X_zzzAgent_X_zzz Member Posts: 4,498 ★★★★★

    Definitelyin comics and movies and even games Scarlet witch is powerfull than them all.No favourism

    MCU Scarlet Witch presently is not as powerful as MCU Cap Marvel nor MCU Thor, maybe endgame thor, but she has not reached her full powers yet, such as SW house of M
  • lowlevelplayerlowlevelplayer Member Posts: 4,292 ★★★★★
    Captain Marvel
    captain marvel is one of the most OP characters in the MCU. Thor is a literal god, but cap marvel kinda has the power of the tesseract, which if you don't know, is the space stone(it grants the power of space)(not really). It honestly depends of which thor and which cap marvel if we're talking khamala khan vs comic thor, for example, it would be obvious. If it were endgame cap marvel vs endgame thor, its a bit more complicated
  • King_Leo321King_Leo321 Member Posts: 1,211 ★★★
    Captain Marvel

    Definitelyin comics and movies and even games Scarlet witch is powerfull than them all.No favourism

    MCU Scarlet Witch presently is not as powerful as MCU Cap Marvel nor MCU Thor, maybe endgame thor, but she has not reached her full powers yet, such as SW house of M
    Scarlet witch is powerfull than MCU Thor and CM.She destroyed an infinity stone that no one can do.She took down that is by herself.She killed Ultron.Scarlet witch can control atoms Thor and CM all energy attacks are useless against her.Scarlet witch can snap their neck with just snap of her fingers.Shr can mind manipulate ,she has telekinesis,she can break stormbreaker and mjonir even feigie she is the only one can solo Thanos with or without infinity stones.Thor was coward in infinity war he attacked Thanos from back like a coward.Even Russo brothers said Thor does not have guys to confront thanos.Scarkrt witch did.If that's not enough Scarlet witch can just energy trap them in their own energies.And even if that's not enough she can use Thor sotrmbreaker to cut Thor into pieces with her telekinesis.You Thor fans can make infinite theories but in MCU and concise it does not work Scarlet is Powerfull in comics and in MCU as well.
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  • Marvel2289Marvel2289 Member Posts: 1,008 ★★★
    Why did the debate turn into Thor Vs Scarlett Witch?
  • MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Member Posts: 2,166 ★★★★
    Mcu aside, so comics focused, it's Thor in nearly every context except for unworthy.

  • Marvel2289Marvel2289 Member Posts: 1,008 ★★★
    edited April 2020

    Definitelyin comics and movies and even games Scarlet witch is powerfull than them all.No favourism

    MCU Scarlet Witch presently is not as powerful as MCU Cap Marvel nor MCU Thor, maybe endgame thor, but she has not reached her full powers yet, such as SW house of M
    Scarlet witch is powerfull than MCU Thor and CM.She destroyed an infinity stone that no one can do.She took down that is by herself.She killed Ultron.Scarlet witch can control atoms Thor and CM all energy attacks are useless against her.Scarlet witch can snap their neck with just snap of her fingers.Shr can mind manipulate ,she has telekinesis,she can break stormbreaker and mjonir even feigie she is the only one can solo Thanos with or without infinity stones.Thor was coward in infinity war he attacked Thanos from back like a coward.Even Russo brothers said Thor does not have guys to confront thanos.Scarkrt witch did.If that's not enough Scarlet witch can just energy trap them in their own energies.And even if that's not enough she can use Thor sotrmbreaker to cut Thor into pieces with her telekinesis.You Thor fans can make infinite theories but in MCU and concise it does not work Scarlet is Powerfull in comics and in MCU as well.
    Thor attack Thanos from Back like a coward? False. Thor attacked Thanos from in front, deflecting a blast from all 6 Infinity Stones with Stormbreaker, in which stormbreaker then stabbed into Thanos Chest, might wanna go rewatch that movie. Not to mention thor's initial lightning blast came from in front and hit Thanos in the chest, go back and rewatch that scene, not once did Thor attack from behind
  • Marvel2289Marvel2289 Member Posts: 1,008 ★★★
    Imo Infinity War Thor is kinda underrated, he did pretty significant damage to Thanos while Thanos had all 6 Infinity Stones. Not to mention that stormbreaker took a blast from all 6 stones and wasn't even affected in the slightest
  • shadow_lurker22shadow_lurker22 Member Posts: 3,245 ★★★★★

    Definitelyin comics and movies and even games Scarlet witch is powerfull than them all.No favourism

    MCU Scarlet Witch presently is not as powerful as MCU Cap Marvel nor MCU Thor, maybe endgame thor, but she has not reached her full powers yet, such as SW house of M
    Scarlet witch is powerfull than MCU Thor and CM.She destroyed an infinity stone that no one can do.She took down that is by herself.She killed Ultron.Scarlet witch can control atoms Thor and CM all energy attacks are useless against her.Scarlet witch can snap their neck with just snap of her fingers.Shr can mind manipulate ,she has telekinesis,she can break stormbreaker and mjonir even feigie she is the only one can solo Thanos with or without infinity stones.Thor was coward in infinity war he attacked Thanos from back like a coward.Even Russo brothers said Thor does not have guys to confront thanos.Scarkrt witch did.If that's not enough Scarlet witch can just energy trap them in their own energies.And even if that's not enough she can use Thor sotrmbreaker to cut Thor into pieces with her telekinesis.You Thor fans can make infinite theories but in MCU and concise it does not work Scarlet is Powerfull in comics and in MCU as well.
    She destroyed the stone because her powers came from it as explained in the movie.
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  • H_I_ZH_I_Z Member Posts: 496 ★★
    Captain Marvel
    Thor is better and he wouldn't hit a girl, probably, i'd hope?
  • Agent_X_zzzAgent_X_zzz Member Posts: 4,498 ★★★★★

    Definitelyin comics and movies and even games Scarlet witch is powerfull than them all.No favourism

    MCU Scarlet Witch presently is not as powerful as MCU Cap Marvel nor MCU Thor, maybe endgame thor, but she has not reached her full powers yet, such as SW house of M
    Scarlet witch is powerfull than MCU Thor and CM.She destroyed an infinity stone that no one can do.She took down that is by herself.She killed Ultron.Scarlet witch can control atoms Thor and CM all energy attacks are useless against her.Scarlet witch can snap their neck with just snap of her fingers.Shr can mind manipulate ,she has telekinesis,she can break stormbreaker and mjonir even feigie she is the only one can solo Thanos with or without infinity stones.Thor was coward in infinity war he attacked Thanos from back like a coward.Even Russo brothers said Thor does not have guys to confront thanos.Scarkrt witch did.If that's not enough Scarlet witch can just energy trap them in their own energies.And even if that's not enough she can use Thor sotrmbreaker to cut Thor into pieces with her telekinesis.You Thor fans can make infinite theories but in MCU and concise it does not work Scarlet is Powerfull in comics and in MCU as well.
    she is way to emotionally weak, and cannot control her powers, she is not as powerful due to that
  • King_Leo321King_Leo321 Member Posts: 1,211 ★★★
    Captain Marvel

    Definitelyin comics and movies and even games Scarlet witch is powerfull than them all.No favourism

    MCU Scarlet Witch presently is not as powerful as MCU Cap Marvel nor MCU Thor, maybe endgame thor, but she has not reached her full powers yet, such as SW house of M
    Scarlet witch is powerfull than MCU Thor and CM.She destroyed an infinity stone that no one can do.She took down that is by herself.She killed Ultron.Scarlet witch can control atoms Thor and CM all energy attacks are useless against her.Scarlet witch can snap their neck with just snap of her fingers.Shr can mind manipulate ,she has telekinesis,she can break stormbreaker and mjonir even feigie she is the only one can solo Thanos with or without infinity stones.Thor was coward in infinity war he attacked Thanos from back like a coward.Even Russo brothers said Thor does not have guys to confront thanos.Scarkrt witch did.If that's not enough Scarlet witch can just energy trap them in their own energies.And even if that's not enough she can use Thor sotrmbreaker to cut Thor into pieces with her telekinesis.You Thor fans can make infinite theories but in MCU and concise it does not work Scarlet is Powerfull in comics and in MCU as well.
    Outside of arcs like "house of m" scarlet witch is way beneath most versions of thor in a vs battle setting. Her best showings required either help, a lot of set-up or both.

    Thor is completely ridiculous in the comics.

    If you put both of them as composite versions against each other then thor would probably need to land just a single attack to destroy her. And she wouldn't have much time to conjure anything up.
    All Wanda has to do is snap his neck with her telekinesis.
  • King_Leo321King_Leo321 Member Posts: 1,211 ★★★
    Captain Marvel

    Imo Infinity War Thor is kinda underrated, he did pretty significant damage to Thanos while Thanos had all 6 Infinity Stones. Not to mention that stormbreaker took a blast from all 6 stones and wasn't even affected in the slightest

    That's because stormbreaker is a non living material if Thanos had used space stone melee telekinesis attack Thor stormbreaker wouldn't even touched him.Have you even visited comic cons or not.Have you watched infinity war screenings or not.Have interviewed or not If not then don't give suggestions
  • King_Leo321King_Leo321 Member Posts: 1,211 ★★★
    Captain Marvel

    Imo Infinity War Thor is kinda underrated, he did pretty significant damage to Thanos while Thanos had all 6 Infinity Stones. Not to mention that stormbreaker took a blast from all 6 stones and wasn't even affected in the slightest

    Yes, thor attacked thanos head on. But I'd definitely count that as pis or just downright inconsistent.

    We were shown in the exact same movie what thanos can do with the reality stone. We were shown before that movie what one can do with the time stone.

    He could have avoided that attack with either of them. I don't think we can draw any consistent conclusion from that encounter. Because the conclusion would be stormbreaker thor > infinity gauntlet thanos, while the start of the movie showed us thor <<<<<< base thanos.</p>
    If you have watched infinity war screening then you should know that Thor attacked Thanos from back.Thanos was not even ready ,writers further said if thanks had used any one of the stones then Thor's stormbreaker wouldn't even exist.Trust me I have talked to josh.If you still don't believe me you can check the interview on YouTube plus you can check confirmation on sites.
  • ReferenceReference Member Posts: 2,918 ★★★★★
    The basis of such comparison should be specified or otherwise ppl dunno which area you want to compare.
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