Mephisto - Passive Ability Accuracy Immunity Explanation

Hey y’all,
I’ve been testing out Mephisto now that I’ve duped him, and I cannot understand how to interpret his passive ability accuracy immunity from his sig ability. Primarily, I was testing him against domino, and bottom line, he crit fails like any other champ. For comparison, I used Mysterio against domino, and he never crit failed bc his description says his ability accuracy cannot be reduced. I get that his description seems to apply more broadly than Mephisto’s, but again, why wouldn’t Mephisto be able to have the same effect, since her probability field is passive? I’d appreciate any thoughtful insights or answers anyone can share, thanks!
I’ve been testing out Mephisto now that I’ve duped him, and I cannot understand how to interpret his passive ability accuracy immunity from his sig ability. Primarily, I was testing him against domino, and bottom line, he crit fails like any other champ. For comparison, I used Mysterio against domino, and he never crit failed bc his description says his ability accuracy cannot be reduced. I get that his description seems to apply more broadly than Mephisto’s, but again, why wouldn’t Mephisto be able to have the same effect, since her probability field is passive? I’d appreciate any thoughtful insights or answers anyone can share, thanks!
He’s ability accuracy is not being reduced
This is a common question due to the lack of understanding of how dominos crit failure works
If an ability does not proc at all than it is consider to have failed to activated So it “crit fails”
An example I use a lot is stark spidey let’s pretend dominos 15% AAR does not exist
every time you block or get hit u have a 3% at base to evade an attack
If it does not activate domino will activate crit failure until the ability activates
Now mephisto has a max of almost 20% chance in non well timed blocks to generate an aura of incineration
Dominos AAR will not affect this so it stays at 20% but every time it fails to activate it will produce crit failure
That’s why mysterio works well all his abilities have a 100% chance to activate
Btw mephisto a sig reads immune to passive AA modifications so her passive probability field falls into that category