I'm confused. Why is Void taking incinerate damage from Human Torch?

So today I finally got to the mini boss Human Torch before anyone else in my alliance and decided to take a shot at him using Void. And lo and behold, Void got KO'd because of heat damage.
Ummmmm....isn't Void supposed to be fire/flame/incinerate immune? Or is HT able to bypass Void's incinerate immunity?
Ummmmm....isn't Void supposed to be fire/flame/incinerate immune? Or is HT able to bypass Void's incinerate immunity?
You can trigger his Nova form when you hit him with too many energy attacks. Void's L1 and L2 are both energy attacks that will add smolder charges to Torch, putting him closer to Nova form. If you must use Void, skip the specials and just use normal attacks and you should be fine.
Nova flames just aren't related to incinerate effects. They are passive DoT that deal energy damage, and that's it. Same thing as limbo or critical failure, for example
Other than that yeah you’re right