Alliance war matchmaking

Please take a look at matchmaking for war seasons. It is super unfair that a 9000 prestige ally is in the top 3 of war ratings because they don't face any other top ally and only face other people around their alliance prestige. War matching should be determined by the bracket you're in (masters/plat 1..) and war rating combined. There is clearly a flaw in the system where a team can win top 3 and not face any other top war alliance and is ruining the competition in war seasons.


  • CelticAlienCelticAlien Member Posts: 4
    Alliance War matchmaking is a joke. Tell me how an alliance with Prestige over 5000, Rating over 10,000,000, and average member rating of 350,000 and 30 members can be matched against another alliance with Prestige of 3400, Rating of 2,400,000 and average member rating of 120,000 and 20 members. How is that even remotely fair?
  • ButterMan8283ButterMan8283 Member Posts: 6
    I really wish what I say matters but ..... it's tuff with Aliannces with members with lower #'s just starting out and ppl that just want to participate and they can't because match making doesn't make sense ...why is Mike Tyson fighting Danny davetio ....that's what it feels like...even thow a Aliannce has a low raiting some how they have ridiculous #'s and makes it difficult to enjoy the game stresses ppl out more then enjoyment... hopefully it can be looked into
  • ButterMan8283ButterMan8283 Member Posts: 6
    The funniest thing and BOTTOM LINE why does matchmaking take so long but suck so much ...sorry had to say it
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