AQ Map 2- Hela Boss is a Clown Fiesta

My alliance is extremely casual, but we play map 2 all days, but lately it is beyond frustrating. My account has no problem against Hela because Mephisto turns everything off, but it is a major issue for the other two groups since no one else has a 5* rank 4 Mephisto. It has got even more difficult because personal space is now the easiest "master" buff to add, but Hela gets unstoppable with every fury activation. Our boss killers are getting absolutely wrecked because they also have to bring in science to take down Doctor Doom. CAIW should be a good option, but doesn't turn unstoppable off, neither does "Thing." She-Hulk seemed to sort of work, but most have either ranked down this champion or never ranked up in the first place. Lately, we have been seeing unstoppable literally proc every 1 second if not faster because of personal space. This rate of unstoppable has led to even Archangel not being a viable option. Quake seems to work decent, but then again usually your best option against Dr. Doom so losing health while have to continually block an unstoppable Hela is ridiculous. This has led to having to use bane as the buff just to get through the quests. This champion really needs to be toned down or at least let unstoppable counters work against the mini boss. We are consistently losing 5* rank 4's to this champion as we have a rather high prestige. Facing 21k+ hela's with 38k+ Dr. Doom is really pushing it for a Map 2 AQ quest. I can see maybe Map 5 and above, but it absolutely ridiculous for a Map 2 miniboss. I seen an old post touching on this, but this really needs to be address. Namor and Cull Obisidian are fine for the other mini bosses, but this Hela mini boss is ridiculous.
Namor was so much easier
I agree, she's really annoying and you have to be on your guard
Hela isn't complicated, and you don't usually need a specific counter - I usually use Ghost Rider and Fate Seal her; even when I've got She-Hulk and Stealth Spidey with me; both of whom work as perfect counters to her Unstoppable.
However: the problem isn't Hela herself, it's the modifier that you've chosen to apply to the map. Why the **** are you choosing to put the Personal Space modifier against Hela with that node on her? Your post is like somebody saying they can't climb a mountain now that they've tied their shoe laces together. Just stop tying your laces together!
Sorry if that sounds unsympathetic; but my best advice is that you and the Alliance learn from this experience; and just don't choose Personal Space again, when Hela is on. Use a Heroic modifier and take a slight drop in points on day one. It'll barely matter by the end of day five anyway.
And also, maybe someone in your alliance ought to consider taking their She-Hulk back up...
Side question: are you able to see who the minibosses for AQ are before you pick the modifiers? if you are unable to see the minibosses before picking the modifiers then i can empathise with the frustration of the OP since its not something that is in their control.
One SP2 and she go KO
Our alliance runs maps 2 to 4 for AQ and Hela is easily the hardest mini. Awakened Archangel has been my go to.
Leaders/Officers can PREVIEW a Map and see who the weekly MiniBoss is BEFORE committing to any specific Maps or Modifiers, even for the first day. You’ve always been able to Preview before actually Starting your first AQ, and the addition of Modifiers didn’t change that.
Seems a bit much for map 2 IMO, map 3 is actually easier on the mini's
Pic below is part-way into the week (when going to select next day), but Preview Button is there when setting up Day-1 as well.