Looking for active and LOYAL members to join our crew

Marvel's Eternal is searching for 4 new members. We run 2 bgs map5 and 1 bg map 4. We were hitting 167 million prior to a bad batch of new recruits. We are a strong core of friends that have been playing together for some time. Low stress as we work well as a unit. AW is 2 bg groups. If you don't want war that is fine. We have enough to win. If you do want war we will get you in. Our donations are low. SA we hit between 600k to 750k. We use Line to communicate. It's a must have for us. We are a sister ally to a higher prestige alliance running map6 and some map5 so you will have room to advance if you'd like. If you want to be a part of a great alliance that has fun together hit me up on Line at tomtaker or in-game at TomTaker.