Is my roster good enough for cavalier run?

These are my current 5* and 6* champs.
Should I go for cavalier or wait?
Please suggest some rank ups because I do have a lot of t2a at the moment.

Should I go for cavalier or wait?
Please suggest some rank ups because I do have a lot of t2a at the moment.

Maybe it would be challenging for you especially XB boss
BWCV can do it but it take a lot of skill
Quake maybe but as stated before it’ll be challenging and takes a lot of skil
Might be able to do it with Thing if you rank him up but if you accidently hit into his block it's gonna end the fight pretty quick. Not too sure if BWCV can out damage vigor.
Input from others regarding those champs and maybe Darkhawk??
Consider ranking Corvus, Domino, Havok, Thing, Darkhawk, maybe Rogue...
Honestly, if you have a decent stash of revives, you can just throw Corvus at basically most of the problem fights.
I didn't have a proper Crossbones counter at the time of my cavalier run and I just threw Corvus at him. Super aggressive before vigor kicks in and then quit the fight as vigor is about to start. Revive with a 40% and go back in. Repeat until Crossbones is dead. Worked well for me (took only a few attempts). This does require you to build Corvus up during the lane leading up to the boss.
I am thinking of taking Mysterio to r4, just because darkhawk isn't duped, and my tech t4cc are about to expire.
Is this a good plan ?