
Hi everyone my name is LATheBoy and I started a new channel called LATheBoy.
Can you guys please subscribe, comment, and view. THANKS! Don't let coronavirus stop you. If you guys have a channel you can message me any time and I will definently watch and subscribe! Again thank you and have a great day. Stay Safe.

I’ll give you a tip to succeed; focus on accelerating your progression and then post guides and tricks for endgame content. Good luck
(This is meant as a constructive critique, so please don't be offended.)
I made it about 19 seconds into your first video before I clicked off.
Here's why:
1) boring content - sans new players, I can't think of anyone that wants to watch low level content... claiming rewards... and opening low level crystals.
2) no commentary - maybe you did? Again,I only made it 19 seconds. Commentary is important. You may have terrible content, but if you're charismatic and humorous, people will watch.
3) videos are too long - seriously... 40 minutes... and hour? Who wants to watch boring gameplay for that long? Some of the best YTers such as Rich and Seatin have enough trouble holding my attention for 10 minutes.
Hope this helps.
Also do not waste your units on phc’s
Also, subscribe and like those videos, I just 100% Act 5 and became Cavalier — more content coming soon!!
I made this video for you in regards to your other topic.
Just don't give up
Giving proper tips and advice is the best way just because he is low level and doing content doesnt mean someone out there may not watch in fact there maybe alot more as everyday ppl download this game and play so his video would help