Tired of multi duplicated champs?

I am a player for over 5 years now and am really hooked on this game, but lately the frustration level is making me play less and less. All players know the frustration of working hard to gain crystals only to spin and get a hero, that has already been awakened, and has been gotten many times before.
There needs to be a better way of dealing with these multi duped picks.(4* & 5*) Maybe the designers can figure a way for the game to know if you are again getting an already awakened Hero, and then offer a choice of keeping the what you get now, or being given another spin? What you are now given is next to nothing, after the hard work you’ve done to earn that spin. How about giving you 3/4 of the amount of shards to get another spin faster? Honestly something needs to be done or we are going to lose people.
I for one have gone weeks without getting a new hero (4* or 5*), and I need plenty of them. I’m sure most of us playing, know this frustration.
One further “wish”:
I have a number of 2* awakening gems, that I cannot use. Some for over a year.
There are plenty of 2* heroes that I do not have, but keep getting my gamora lev 99 etc over and over.
I’m suggesting a trade of these awakening gems ( how about just 2* for now), trading only with your own team?
Also a trading system, like maybe 3 Heroes for 1 , within the system.(2*). Like we do with Tier 4 crystals. Trading maybe 3 heroes (2*) for 1 unowned? At this point, 2* heroes are mostly useless. This would bring collectors excitement back, gotta catch them all! Anyway , please let me know what you think. Thanks
There needs to be a better way of dealing with these multi duped picks.(4* & 5*) Maybe the designers can figure a way for the game to know if you are again getting an already awakened Hero, and then offer a choice of keeping the what you get now, or being given another spin? What you are now given is next to nothing, after the hard work you’ve done to earn that spin. How about giving you 3/4 of the amount of shards to get another spin faster? Honestly something needs to be done or we are going to lose people.
I for one have gone weeks without getting a new hero (4* or 5*), and I need plenty of them. I’m sure most of us playing, know this frustration.
One further “wish”:
I have a number of 2* awakening gems, that I cannot use. Some for over a year.
There are plenty of 2* heroes that I do not have, but keep getting my gamora lev 99 etc over and over.
I’m suggesting a trade of these awakening gems ( how about just 2* for now), trading only with your own team?
Also a trading system, like maybe 3 Heroes for 1 , within the system.(2*). Like we do with Tier 4 crystals. Trading maybe 3 heroes (2*) for 1 unowned? At this point, 2* heroes are mostly useless. This would bring collectors excitement back, gotta catch them all! Anyway , please let me know what you think. Thanks