Tier 1 Aphas

I know I’m not the first person to mention this, but Tier 1 alphas are impossible to retrieve in large quantities. And being uncollected, I can confidently say it is easier for me to get Tier 2 alphas than Tier 1s lol. Why/how is this? And trust me, glory store, alliance events, event quests, and arena (and even this free week of sigil) have been used and always get used. Is the only other way to get them seriously by using money??
Side note; I don’t play in alliances anymore I only play for fun now..
I chose shards this entire month not rank up materials..
I don’t buy them with glory or money..
You need to choose your rank ups wisely don’t go wasting them on anyone just to raise rating.. There will always be a shortage of one resource or another depending on how you use them.. Example I’m down from 18mil gold to 8mil (ranked champs to stop stuff expiring) Just play the best you can grab them when you get the chance and be careful with them buddy..
That being said, there will always be times where you’re comparatively more deficient in a certain resource, be that Gold, ISO, or specific catalysts. As frustrating as it can be sometimes, these resources will always accumulate over time, all it takes is a bit of patience. The champs on your next-to-rank list aren’t going anywhere in the meantime.