Next set of Champion Buffs

Any information available, maybe even a spoiler on possible champ buffs coming down the line? It's been a while since any relevant changes occurred, most notably WS and Hulk.
We could really use some changes to add value to such a high population of garbage champs. I'm not hating on them, they are what they are, I want to be able to use them and have fun using them like I do with WS and hulk now. Please give us a sneak peak...anything! Just not the dreaded coming soon!
We could really use some changes to add value to such a high population of garbage champs. I'm not hating on them, they are what they are, I want to be able to use them and have fun using them like I do with WS and hulk now. Please give us a sneak peak...anything! Just not the dreaded coming soon!
Civil warrior was last buff
Was it announced months in advanced? That's how I remember Rhinos announced buff.
If I remember correctly we only found out rhino due to 12.0 leaking
12.0 was around April I belive I do not know about a rhino buff prior
They announced it like a month earlier due to it leaking was far from a normal thing wouldn't really base it off that
I honestly do not know as I don't really use him that often I could be completely wrong and he got buffed before this
He got the unblockable, unstoppable charge and fury when the AI is backed into a corner of you use a medium.
I know there have been other "buffs" I was thinking more buffs that were actually good. WS and Hulk are the best examples, no one is going to call WS or Hulk OP, but they are so good to use now. We need those types of buffs.
There's a lot of people that would call Hulk OP lol. Or at least touching the god tier line.
No doubt, I think he's safe though cause he still dies, unlike the old school god tier that would just regen back to full health every fight.