5,742 prestige looking for map 4+ alliance

My acct: dogantoro
I would prefer to join after season rewards
Currently pushing for cav and need the resources, thanks!
I would prefer to join after season rewards
Currently pushing for cav and need the resources, thanks!
We run 5x5 and with a few more better players we could run a 2nd 5x5 we are Silver 3 now but started season in Stone 3. 2 AW groups for now. Easily hitting 80 million in AQ this week, will get higher next week.
Line ID:ironmike1422
We run 3 BG 44444 with modifiers, 110M weekly. 2BG AW Gold 3. We are pretty relaxed and focused on development.
IGN - Tomax74
LINE - tomax1974