Sticky Key event situation

Why were the majority of the players unsatisfied with the sticky key event?
As a company, has Kabam started studying it?
Nobody complained about the green event or the energy refill calender. Why? Because they weren't game changing rewards, but amazing to have. It was a cool way of saying "We care about the community .Here is something for supporting us". About 500k extra gold is very similar in terms of reward quality. I think I speak for the community when I say nobody would have complained about them if they were never announced in the first place.
Take for instance the mystery gift crystals that were hidden from the calender about 2 years ago for Christmas that backlashed.
The community has certain expectations in mind when Kabam "announces" events
The solution to this is not for the community to expect lesser rewarding events all the time, but maybe for Kabam keep them a surprise till they're out.
With the green calender and the barons war, nobody complained about the rewards for the month. You could have put the sticky key in a random path in barons war without announcing it to the players. This would have been a real surprise and would have 'exceeded' expectations. The community would have been much more grateful.
Would you agree that the majority of your players are probably in their teens and early twenties? Instant gratification drives the majority of the them. As a company, you can't go about saying this is the players' faults and defend every action you make. The game was carefully designed to cater to the exact audience. You chose your audience.
Study them.
At the end of the day, your game is targeted at us. Knowing what's good for us benefits everybody in the long run. You can't serve players if you don't respect them or take responsibility for your actions.
P. S- I was fine with the sticky key event, but I understand why the majority were not.
As a company, has Kabam started studying it?
Nobody complained about the green event or the energy refill calender. Why? Because they weren't game changing rewards, but amazing to have. It was a cool way of saying "We care about the community .Here is something for supporting us". About 500k extra gold is very similar in terms of reward quality. I think I speak for the community when I say nobody would have complained about them if they were never announced in the first place.
Take for instance the mystery gift crystals that were hidden from the calender about 2 years ago for Christmas that backlashed.
The community has certain expectations in mind when Kabam "announces" events
The solution to this is not for the community to expect lesser rewarding events all the time, but maybe for Kabam keep them a surprise till they're out.
With the green calender and the barons war, nobody complained about the rewards for the month. You could have put the sticky key in a random path in barons war without announcing it to the players. This would have been a real surprise and would have 'exceeded' expectations. The community would have been much more grateful.
Would you agree that the majority of your players are probably in their teens and early twenties? Instant gratification drives the majority of the them. As a company, you can't go about saying this is the players' faults and defend every action you make. The game was carefully designed to cater to the exact audience. You chose your audience.
Study them.
At the end of the day, your game is targeted at us. Knowing what's good for us benefits everybody in the long run. You can't serve players if you don't respect them or take responsibility for your actions.
P. S- I was fine with the sticky key event, but I understand why the majority were not.
There is no situation other than what we caused ourselves. Just like i mentioned in another post, we do this to ourselves all the time. You're trying to blame Kabam for this and it isn't their fault. They didn't say anything other than "you'll need to wait and see".
Just because we have "certain expectations" doesn't mean that's what they should be. Everyone wanted RDT's or AG's. We always want the best rewards possible and when we don't get our way, we turn into Karen's and Chad's and whine and cry about how "out of touch" Kabam is with the player base. We create threads like this one that serve no purpose other than to say it wasn't good enough. it won't ever be good enough and Kabam isn't ever going to win because of mentalities just like yours. Want to blame someone? Look in the mirror.
Indicated by the blue mark this event ended yesterday
Like I said, a surprise sticky key to collect in the Barons quest would have been sufficient. Giving us a sticky key at the beginning of the month which served no purpose for the whole month other than to unlock a path that made the barons quest harder? That could have been avoided.
I never argued Kabam isn't doing enough. The rewards for April were overall good.
Did you read the post fully? As a company it's their duty to manage expectations as well. How to announce events and rewards matters as well to keep customers expectations in check.
Keeping player expectations in check =\= Heed to every player expectation
It's a constructive feedback that benefits them as well as us. I'm not demanding extra rewards, neither am I unsatisfied with the current ones. But I understand why people would be.
Have you taken out a second think from someone else's perspective?
If they hadn't announced it way early on, it wouldn't have harmed you or anybody. Since they announced it, it still probably didn't harm you, but it did hurt one part of the community. Think for them too. It isn't always about you.
There are amazing freebies to have. But the game revolves around RNG, having the right champs at the right rank helps you a ton more than revives and refills.
I appreciate the revives and the free refills and feel they are amazing. I was able to comple two chapter in variant 1.
They aren't game changing for someone who doesn't have enough 5* or 6* to even enter Act 6. Not so game changing for those players right? What they gonna do with he free refills? Run through Heroic or Master EQ in two days? Not game changing.
You're looking to blame someone for your disappointment but its no ones fault but our own. This isn't the first time they have given us a item like the key and it wont be the last. You need to manage your own expectations, not Kabam.
And to your point about who this game caters too, you'd be wrong about the ages of who plays it. I'd bet there is way more 30 years + that play vs it being teens and early 20's.
They have studied us. This is one of the most successful mobile games around. I think they have figured it out pretty well. We always think we know better than the company though, that wont ever change.
Those revives gave me incentive to push through content and now I’m two chapters away from uncollected. So yeah, that was my favorite part of the month. I have the champs in need, and got items to help.
Also, I never said they were game changing. Just that they were the best part of the whole month.