6.3.1 - Can’t Stop Won’t Stop

I’m working through 6.3 exploration and only have a couple of paths to go, The final path in 6.3.1 I have left is the can’t stop won’t stop lane. I was wondering if anyone has had any success using The Champion on this lane given he procs unstoppable every 13 seconds?
I tried looking on YouTube but couldn’t find anything.
I tried looking on YouTube but couldn’t find anything.
Omega Red
The Champion
Symbiote Supreme
I don’t have doom, Aegon or fury (I feel like I’m the only one this deep in act 6 exploration and can’t get any of them). I can see that doom would be amazing combined with the boost. I tried it with my R5 Magik but it was still 500+ hits on the first two fights and didn’t come prepared for Mephisto so I backed out.
I have 6* CMM but no Rogue above 4* so she’s not viable either unfortunately.
I guess I’m trying to think outside the box a little with The Champion idea
He is a good option, specially against Domino there