Time for a science upgrade, here's an idea

We haven't got a new science champ since quake...so a really long time ago. a lot we're hoping for gg and doc oc to be science. Ok, so moving on from here how about an overhaul to what we have, and it could be rather simple. A simple change in the debuffs exhaustion and fatigue. Multiple science champs proc those two debuffs and it's become an antiquated garbage debuff. A % chance to have the opponent not get a crit hit? The game has evolved and the power added through rank ups and masteries makes this moot. My suggestion is to change the two debuffs to shut down abilities, most likely has a % to not proc one. E.g. Ant man is fighting deadpool xforce and has put fatigue on him, then there's a % chance that dpx doesn't get his power gain at 35% health or whatever it is. And conversely it's more effective on mystic and juggs has a % chance to not go unstoppable or magik limbo or doc strange his cycles buffs. I can't think of champs outside of science that would be effected by this but there might be a few. But it would make a few of the science champs more useful and promote diversity in war and aq attackers and would add some balance to the science class to bring it up closer to the other classes
Fatigue and Exhaustion should decrease abilitiy accuarcy, both offensive and defensive. Luke Cage would be good then.