Something is wrong with AW rewards.

My alliance (72416) was in platinum 4 in war until 2 wars left in season. We lost that war, and dropped down info Gold1 (#28).
We won our last war in season, which should have easily put us back into Platinum 4.
However, when I looked this morning, we somehow only moved up one spot. Either the multiplier didn’t kick in, or something else went wrong with your system. It is absolutely impossible to only move one spot with a win in war.
Please look at this ASAP, as we are due platinum 4 rewards.
We won our last war in season, which should have easily put us back into Platinum 4.
However, when I looked this morning, we somehow only moved up one spot. Either the multiplier didn’t kick in, or something else went wrong with your system. It is absolutely impossible to only move one spot with a win in war.
Please look at this ASAP, as we are due platinum 4 rewards.
Seems something is wrong.
The issue is with alliances that won and didn't move up the ranks, in comparison with their ranking BEFORE the last war.
That's some hard math to comprehend.
Fyi a loss in tier 3 with x6 multiplier gains you around the same points as a win in tier 4 with x4,5 multiplier gives you
BUT, other Ally's points for their War probably do not get rolled into the overall cumulative Standings that you can see until MUCH LATER. Probably NOT just if they happen to still be finishing up theirs about 15 minutes behind yours, but rather everyone else's probably do not become “visible” in the overall Rankings until some time much later on in evening once ALL wars are done and they can be tallied up.
In meantime, you’re thinking that your new Ranking is apples to apples, when in fact it's comparing 12 wars to everyone else's 11 war ranking. (Same probably true throughout whole season also).
So when comparing what Rank you are before each war, take note of it actually when each war's Attack is starting (not from a day earlier). That way your points will always be compared X # of wars to the same X # of wars as everyone else.
we won, but we dropped places. that would imply that every single team around us won, all the top teams in gold 1 and all the bottom teams in plat 4 to the point where the win/loss point difference didn't matter - looking at final scores this means about 40-50 teams either side of us all won and also therefore implies that none of them were matched against each other (but matchmaking is another topic....).
this scenario seems very unusual which is why i am questioning if there was something wrong with the points calculation at the end
Cmon guys. Whats going on here?
Another thing I want to mention is the second to last war emergency maintenance that went down for the last hour of AW which came back w only 30mins to spare. We’ve msgd Kabam just to get a generic automated response. People Spend 6 weeks using resources, time, hard earned units, and even money for what?! This “fair” game w “fair” process.
Like the 2nd to last war, Kabam will show their true colors and do nothing about all this mixup and once again leave the player base who keep this game alive and running empty handed once again and disappointed.
Kabam, give us what we deserve and what we earned. I know this will fall on deaf ears but I’m hoping you will look into these matters.