Omega red suicide masteries

Can you guys share with me your suicide masteries that suits better for OR. All three pages.
I'm almost there with units to unlock them, but I'm not sure what's the best set up for him.
Focusing in how many points in willpower, couagulate and despair.
Thanks a lot.
I'm almost there with units to unlock them, but I'm not sure what's the best set up for him.
Focusing in how many points in willpower, couagulate and despair.
Thanks a lot.
To the OP, when I'm running full suicides, I max salve, recovery, willpower, and coagulate. It maximizes OR's regen at the beginning of the fight, and mitigates the bleed damage taken from my non-immunes.
You’re thinking about suture that reduces bleed duration. Coagulate reduces bleed damage. Given Omega is already bleed resistant, 1 point in coagulate makes him “immune” to damage from double edge therefore giving him a Dr. Voodoo type regen to start the fight when running suicides since the bleed debuff still procs and activates death field.
Thanks.I was running out of snark anyway. Very generous.
Coagulate is amazing for OR. It reduces the damage he takes from bleed to nothing effectively making him bleed immune while still having an active bleed debuff thus enabling him to heal off the bleed duration with Willpower.