General Game Feedback [Merged Threads]



  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,438 Guardian
    ESF said:

    DrZola said:

    DNA3000 said:

    arsjum said:

    @DNA3000 Have you watched Brian Grant's video? It seems like you two have come up with similar ideas about story difficulty and legend's runs.

    I did, late last night. I agree with some of it, disagree with some of it, some of it was a bit stream-of-consciousness, but I know he addressed something like this towards the end of his video and I think the ideas are similar but slightly different in nature. But definitely compatible. The core idea is the same: make the difficulty of the base content appropriate to average users, and make challenge parameters to challenge higher tier or stronger players. I think what he wants to do with this idea is slightly different than what I would want to do, but that's because he's approaching the same problem from a different direction.

    On the general subject of BG's video and a subject that's been talked about in the thread quite a bit as well, the idea of champs being "useless" is I think a complicated one, because I think some of that is the fault of the champions themselves and some of that is the fault of the content. In other words, many of the champions we think are great are only great because the content coincidentally makes them great. Quake is only great because the devs tend to ignore her unique playstyle when making most fights, which makes her sort of kryptonite for a lot of fights. But that has nothing to do with Quake intrisically: I can easily envision an alternate timeline MCOC where Quake would be horrible for most fights. Champs like Ghost, like Aegon, like Stealth Suit Spiderman, are all good because the content either coincidentally or deliberately makes them good. There are probably lots of champs that could be good, but aren't because whatever those champs do, the content doesn't value. Bishop, for example, I think fits into this category. For whatever reason, it is easier for the devs to make content that makes Ghost look great than it does for the devs to make Bishop look great.

    Then there's champs where content could make them look great, but for various reasons the devs painted themselves into a corner and now they can't make them look great. Consider Iron Man's heal. It is actually stronger than Voodoo's heal. But IM's heal happens at low health while Voodoo's happens at start of fight. That's the difference between a heal everyone loves and a heal no one cares about. Why? Because the heal triggers so low there's a decent chance you'll die while healing. Because you implicitly have to have taken a lot of damage to trigger it, while Voodoo can heal even small amounts of chip damage over time. The way the game works, the circumstances under which you get IM's heal at all are the same ones that are likely to just kill you. It would be difficult to design content for which this wasn't true. It is so counter to the way the devs stack difficulty in the game the content would probably seem weird. But it is not impossible.

    Then there's frankly useless champs. There's almost no way to make Netflix Daredevil useful no matter what the content looks like. I can't see making Magneto useful in his current form.

    But then, there's champs even worse than the useless ones. Some champs are hopeless. See, a useless champ has hope: he's so useless he could be buffed. But there are hopeless champs that in my opinion don't even have that to look forward to because they are not totally useless, but what they do is completely subsumed by other champions. In other words, they could be used, but almost no one will ever use them because there are simply too many alternatives that are better. Ms. Marvel might be in that category. She isn't useless. But where are you going to use her? How do we make content that makes her shine? Well, she's poison immune and she procs Furies and I think she armor breaks on specials. The problem here is any content you make that makes her look good also makes the 800 pound cosmic gorilla look good: Hyperion. Hyperion is a poison immune fury-procing armor-breaking champ. Who also can heal. Whatever MM can do, Hype can do way, way better. But heck, Medusa can also do that for the most part. And Captain Marvel (movie). Even Ronan has a similar set of abilities, and he's Mr. Velveeta against buffs besides.

    You can make the content more interesting and require more diverse champs. And you can buff the bottom feeders. And maybe, just maybe, you can figure out a way to make Iron Man's heal worth something. But champs like Ms. Marvel kinda sit in Kabam's blind spot. And I think, with varying shades of grey, there are a lot of them. I'm not saying a champ has to be the best to be useful. But I think a champ either has to be much better than average doing what they are supposed to be good at, or they have to be good enough in a wider array of situations to make them at least a good generalist to have around. Kamala is neither in my opinion.

    @DrZola I think this also partially addresses your questions about champion usefulness.
    It does.

    But...the more I think about it, the more I like the notion of a champion “recall.” Forget about wasting time on Ms. Marvel (or the Magnetos). Just acknowledge they are essentially proto-champs and drop them from the playable champs side of the game, along with full refunds to players.

    It can take place over time, and no one has to waste time trying to deconstruct and then reconstruct and then run a beta. Champ gone. Poof. A month or two later, resources pop into your stash.

    Dr. Zola
    It's too late now, but what this game needs is a Gear system.
    I'm not a fan of gear systems in general unless they are implemented in very specific ways, because they almost always have nasty unintended consequences when they are retrofitted.

    I think a better system than what most people think of when they think of gear is a return of the ability tier system we used to have. It used to be that we had Bleed 2, Bleed 3, etc. Abilities could scale up with, say, higher rarity (star) level. That was flattened out in 12.X. In and of itself that would be too crude on its own, but an expansion of it so that as champions move up in rarity their abilities become more potent would I think help. Not always, but often.

    There's a recognition that higher rarity champs should offer something more than just higher numbers. That's why 5* champs have the SP3 system and 6* champs have Adrenalin. But I think this would need to be expanded much wider to have the kind of impact it should. Something in between one-size-fits-all like Adrenalin, but not all the way to redoing every single champ as they move up (which, in effect, some gear systems really are; the kind where the gear is specific to a single champion is really just an unlockable skill tree per champ). Something in the middle where healing champs get more healy, bursty champs get more bursty, power control champs get more controly. Oversimplified, but that's the idea.

    I think this also touches on one of the problems Brian mentioned in his video, but goes in a completely different direction to address it. The idea that 6* champs are just 5* champs with higher rank, that you have to grind to get again.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

    I've been mulling it over in terms of the RNG, and while I don't think that every Crystal should be a Nexus, and I don't agree with abolishing the RNG completely, I do think there may be a way to alleviate some of the stresses. It's an idea that I shared a while back, and others have shared before, and many after. However, I've revised it. They could allow access to Class-specific Crystals, for an increased Shard cost, that are in line with levels of progression. 6*s for Cavalier, 5*s for UC, 4*s get it.

    Yeah, like a Nexus for 20,000 shards, and a class-specific for 15,000.

    I agree. The game was built on RNG. There's no use in eliminating it.
  • TheBestinTuakauTheBestinTuakau Member Posts: 955 ★★★
    A bit late to this thread and I haven't had time to read every comment so I apologize in advance if this has already been mentioned:
    I would rather Kabam fix the bugs that are currently in the game than give us 2-3 new characters a month, which could possibly give us more bugs.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    Hlpr35 said:

    2) if someone ask for a friend finish some event or story for him its cheating but if someone sick or really busy and ask a friend take two nodes instead him im aq it isn't cheating if it's against rule then they have to change aq and aw energy system we are players not payed workers even workers can miss work some days we are human

    Let me ask you this. Pretend you're a student. If you copy someone else's work, that's cheating and plagiarism. If you're sick, and you do the same thing, it's still plagiarism. Regardless of your situation, Kabam has said that any form of account sharing is violating their terms and conditions.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,967 ★★★★★
    edited May 2020

    I've been mulling it over in terms of the RNG, and while I don't think that every Crystal should be a Nexus, and I don't agree with abolishing the RNG completely, I do think there may be a way to alleviate some of the stresses. It's an idea that I shared a while back, and others have shared before, and many after. However, I've revised it. They could allow access to Class-specific Crystals, for an increased Shard cost, that are in line with levels of progression. 6*s for Cavalier, 5*s for UC, 4*s get it.

    Yeah, like a Nexus for 20,000 shards, and a class-specific for 15,000.

    I agree. The game was built on RNG. There's no use in eliminating it.
    The only drawback I see is the difference in numbers of available Champs of each Class. It may be seen as unfair if say, Mutant gives 20 possibilities and Mystic gives say, 15. Loose example, but it makes the rates of one specific Champ completely different. In that case, it would have to be a set number of Champs in each and rotated if need be.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

    I've been mulling it over in terms of the RNG, and while I don't think that every Crystal should be a Nexus, and I don't agree with abolishing the RNG completely, I do think there may be a way to alleviate some of the stresses. It's an idea that I shared a while back, and others have shared before, and many after. However, I've revised it. They could allow access to Class-specific Crystals, for an increased Shard cost, that are in line with levels of progression. 6*s for Cavalier, 5*s for UC, 4*s get it.

    Yeah, like a Nexus for 20,000 shards, and a class-specific for 15,000.

    I agree. The game was built on RNG. There's no use in eliminating it.
    The only drawback I see is the difference in numbers of available Champs of each Class. It may be seen as unfair if say, Mutant gives 20 possibilities and Mystic gives say, 15. Loose example, but it makes the rates of one specific Champ completely different. In that case, it would have to be a set number of Champs in each and rotated if need be.
    Yeah, but that's why Kabam is pushing for class equality these days, with more mystic and science champs being added.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,967 ★★★★★

    I've been mulling it over in terms of the RNG, and while I don't think that every Crystal should be a Nexus, and I don't agree with abolishing the RNG completely, I do think there may be a way to alleviate some of the stresses. It's an idea that I shared a while back, and others have shared before, and many after. However, I've revised it. They could allow access to Class-specific Crystals, for an increased Shard cost, that are in line with levels of progression. 6*s for Cavalier, 5*s for UC, 4*s get it.

    Yeah, like a Nexus for 20,000 shards, and a class-specific for 15,000.

    I agree. The game was built on RNG. There's no use in eliminating it.
    The only drawback I see is the difference in numbers of available Champs of each Class. It may be seen as unfair if say, Mutant gives 20 possibilities and Mystic gives say, 15. Loose example, but it makes the rates of one specific Champ completely different. In that case, it would have to be a set number of Champs in each and rotated if need be.
    Yeah, but that's why Kabam is pushing for class equality these days, with more mystic and science champs being added.
    It's a process. At different times, we have more of each. Over the years, some Classes have been more dominant than others.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    BigBuster said:

    On the topic of the economy, there is another problem, arenas. Firstly, to even get a champion that you will use beyond act 5, you need to participate in 1 arena, the 5* featured. There are a lot of problems with this arena. To get the featured champ, you need a large roster, with lots of rank ups. The difference between 4* featured to 5* featured is huge, so the 5* featured can't be used as a roster expanding tool, but more like a "I want this beyond god tier to add to all my OP champs" which all developed, end game players say. Even if I wanted to grind for a champ, I could never do it. Now Kabam says that adding a 5* basic will ruin the economy. How? Adding a few more units into the economy? Helping out the f2p players with more gold? Letting people expand their rosters? To me all those things seem pretty good for the players, unless there is something I am missing. Along with a basic arena, give all basic champs (4* and hopefully 5*) as milestone rewards so that the people who put in the effort with small rosters will be payed for their efforts. Arena is the kind of game mode that rewards people with a large roster and low skill, rather than small roster and high skill.

    Not true. You don't NEED to grind arenas to get a champion. It's just to get a guaranteed champion. The grind is the price. If you want to play with RNG and hope you get a good champ, then it's simple. Just pop 10,000 shards and you're on your way. Those shards are really easy to come by, but you just have to deal with luck.

    On the other hand, if you don't want to play with luck, then you just have to grind. It's the price for that guaranteed champ.

    And the existence of my roster, and many others refutes the statement "to even get a champion that you will use beyond act 5, you need to participate in 1 arena, the 5* featured". You don't HAVE to do it.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

    Someone in this thread suggested role specific crystals. Bleed crystals, control crystals, etc.

    If they do [X] specific crystals I think that concept would do more for the roadblocks some players encounter than class specific crystals.

    Let's say I need a counter for the 6.3.1. medusa and I don't have a good 5* bleed champ. With the class crystals I would probably go for the skill crystal to get a nick fury and have like a 1 in 27 chance to get him and a let's say 6 in 27 chance to get at least a somewhat decent bleed champ (nick, bp, blade, ronin, killmonger, gwenpool) and a much higher chance to pull nothing that will help me in my predicament.

    With a bleed crystal however I'd have a 100% chance to pull at least someone I can use for that fight.

    Especially the endgame is much more about what a champ does than what class they are in.

    Don't forget the mighty Falcon. The crystals would have to come at a greater price, like 20,000 shards.
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  • Hlpr35Hlpr35 Member Posts: 119
    edited May 2020

    Hlpr35 said:

    2) if someone ask for a friend finish some event or story for him its cheating but if someone sick or really busy and ask a friend take two nodes instead him im aq it isn't cheating if it's against rule then they have to change aq and aw energy system we are players not payed workers even workers can miss work some days we are human

    Let me ask you this. Pretend you're a student. If you copy someone else's work, that's cheating and plagiarism. If you're sick, and you do the same thing, it's still plagiarism. Regardless of your situation, Kabam has said that any form of account sharing is violating their terms and conditions.
    Yeah and i saying this is impossible to act while we start with 3 energy and stock 5 maximum(again im not talking about account sharing for finish some chapters in stories etc) , kabam even don't earn any money from aq energy, so point isn't copying point is we are human and some days we can busy so it shouldnt be against rules (in aq and aw only) or we need more energy in aq and aw its just a game and we can have work we can be sick we can have wedding or funeral we can have important things to do, what should we do while we are at work "umm wait boss if i just take this node in aq..."
  • BigBusterBigBuster Member Posts: 294 ★★★

    BigBuster said:

    On the topic of the economy, there is another problem, arenas. Firstly, to even get a champion that you will use beyond act 5, you need to participate in 1 arena, the 5* featured. There are a lot of problems with this arena. To get the featured champ, you need a large roster, with lots of rank ups. The difference between 4* featured to 5* featured is huge, so the 5* featured can't be used as a roster expanding tool, but more like a "I want this beyond god tier to add to all my OP champs" which all developed, end game players say. Even if I wanted to grind for a champ, I could never do it. Now Kabam says that adding a 5* basic will ruin the economy. How? Adding a few more units into the economy? Helping out the f2p players with more gold? Letting people expand their rosters? To me all those things seem pretty good for the players, unless there is something I am missing. Along with a basic arena, give all basic champs (4* and hopefully 5*) as milestone rewards so that the people who put in the effort with small rosters will be payed for their efforts. Arena is the kind of game mode that rewards people with a large roster and low skill, rather than small roster and high skill.

    Not true. You don't NEED to grind arenas to get a champion. It's just to get a guaranteed champion. The grind is the price. If you want to play with RNG and hope you get a good champ, then it's simple. Just pop 10,000 shards and you're on your way. Those shards are really easy to come by, but you just have to deal with luck.

    On the other hand, if you don't want to play with luck, then you just have to grind. It's the price for that guaranteed champ.

    And the existence of my roster, and many others refutes the statement "to even get a champion that you will use beyond act 5, you need to participate in 1 arena, the 5* featured". You don't HAVE to do it.
    Sure you don't need anything. Who says you need to play this game?

    Arenas are what give you units, battlechips, and gold. The only other option for those is spending hundreds of dollars which doesn't work for everyone.

    Arenas give you the chance to target a champion you need without waiting months. Look at BG. How long has he been hunting for Ghost? If an arena came out, he could be sure he would get her. If someone who doesn't have a megalodon roster wants to invest some time to grind for that one champion, should they be left out? What if they completed all the content and reached a roadblock and need a champ? Gating them out is the right idea? If you are supporting the restrictiveness of the featured 5* arena, then you are supporting the blocking off of smaller rosters. Look at the AEgon arena. There is no way any player who hasn't spent a lot of time or money on the game could have got to the cutoff, even if they spent 72 hours playing.

    By adding milestones for champs, people with small rosters will have a chance to get the champ. Should someone who was able to get cavalier with 2-3 rank 4's and a few 6 stars not be able to do arenas for a counter to Mr. Sinister or The Champion just because they were skilled enough to clear content with lower ranked champions (just an example)?

    I haven't even brought up mercs and bots taking away spots. The reason bots even work is because there are hacks made for MCOC. Why? Because damage isn't server side. Kabam has left themselves vulnerable to those god-mode apk hacks. They need to fix that. Mercs can be solved by not allowing VPN's for arena. It is not like Kabam has no solutions. It is more like they don't implement them.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    Hlpr35 said:

    Hlpr35 said:

    2) if someone ask for a friend finish some event or story for him its cheating but if someone sick or really busy and ask a friend take two nodes instead him im aq it isn't cheating if it's against rule then they have to change aq and aw energy system we are players not payed workers even workers can miss work some days we are human

    Let me ask you this. Pretend you're a student. If you copy someone else's work, that's cheating and plagiarism. If you're sick, and you do the same thing, it's still plagiarism. Regardless of your situation, Kabam has said that any form of account sharing is violating their terms and conditions.
    Yeah and i saying this is impossible to act while we start with 3 energy and stock 5 maximum(again im not talking about account sharing for finish some chapters in stories etc) , kabam even don't earn any money from aq energy, so point isn't copying point is we are human and some days we can busy so it shouldnt be against rules (in aq and aw only) or we need more energy in aq and aw its just a game and we can have work we can be sick we can have wedding or funeral we can have important things to do, what should we do while we are at work "umm wait boss if i just take this node in aq..."
    Exactly. We're human. So just tell your alliance that you can't do it that day. They'll understand, and if not, dump'em End of story.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    BigBuster said:

    BigBuster said:

    On the topic of the economy, there is another problem, arenas. Firstly, to even get a champion that you will use beyond act 5, you need to participate in 1 arena, the 5* featured. There are a lot of problems with this arena. To get the featured champ, you need a large roster, with lots of rank ups. The difference between 4* featured to 5* featured is huge, so the 5* featured can't be used as a roster expanding tool, but more like a "I want this beyond god tier to add to all my OP champs" which all developed, end game players say. Even if I wanted to grind for a champ, I could never do it. Now Kabam says that adding a 5* basic will ruin the economy. How? Adding a few more units into the economy? Helping out the f2p players with more gold? Letting people expand their rosters? To me all those things seem pretty good for the players, unless there is something I am missing. Along with a basic arena, give all basic champs (4* and hopefully 5*) as milestone rewards so that the people who put in the effort with small rosters will be payed for their efforts. Arena is the kind of game mode that rewards people with a large roster and low skill, rather than small roster and high skill.

    Not true. You don't NEED to grind arenas to get a champion. It's just to get a guaranteed champion. The grind is the price. If you want to play with RNG and hope you get a good champ, then it's simple. Just pop 10,000 shards and you're on your way. Those shards are really easy to come by, but you just have to deal with luck.

    On the other hand, if you don't want to play with luck, then you just have to grind. It's the price for that guaranteed champ.

    And the existence of my roster, and many others refutes the statement "to even get a champion that you will use beyond act 5, you need to participate in 1 arena, the 5* featured". You don't HAVE to do it.
    Sure you don't need anything. Who says you need to play this game?

    Arenas are what give you units, battlechips, and gold. The only other option for those is spending hundreds of dollars which doesn't work for everyone.

    Arenas give you the chance to target a champion you need without waiting months. Look at BG. How long has he been hunting for Ghost? If an arena came out, he could be sure he would get her. If someone who doesn't have a megalodon roster wants to invest some time to grind for that one champion, should they be left out? What if they completed all the content and reached a roadblock and need a champ? Gating them out is the right idea? If you are supporting the restrictiveness of the featured 5* arena, then you are supporting the blocking off of smaller rosters. Look at the AEgon arena. There is no way any player who hasn't spent a lot of time or money on the game could have got to the cutoff, even if they spent 72 hours playing.

    By adding milestones for champs, people with small rosters will have a chance to get the champ. Should someone who was able to get cavalier with 2-3 rank 4's and a few 6 stars not be able to do arenas for a counter to Mr. Sinister or The Champion just because they were skilled enough to clear content with lower ranked champions (just an example)?

    I haven't even brought up mercs and bots taking away spots. The reason bots even work is because there are hacks made for MCOC. Why? Because damage isn't server side. Kabam has left themselves vulnerable to those god-mode apk hacks. They need to fix that. Mercs can be solved by not allowing VPN's for arena. It is not like Kabam has no solutions. It is more like they don't implement them.
    You've just proved my point. You don't NEED to do arena. You could just wait, like many people do.
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,967 ★★★★★
    A rule is only as good as it's enforced.
  • Hera1d_of_Ga1actusHera1d_of_Ga1actus Member Posts: 2,441 ★★★★★
    edited May 2020

    I've been mulling it over in terms of the RNG, and while I don't think that every Crystal should be a Nexus, and I don't agree with abolishing the RNG completely, I do think there may be a way to alleviate some of the stresses. It's an idea that I shared a while back, and others have shared before, and many after. However, I've revised it. They could allow access to Class-specific Crystals, for an increased Shard cost, that are in line with levels of progression. 6*s for Cavalier, 5*s for UC, 4*s get it.

    This. This is almost PERFECT for people aiming even more to specifically pull champions that they won’t be upset with. I am currently Skill DRY! Haven’t pulled one since my Blade when they released the Blade crystals again for a week or something. I’m begging for skill as most of my higher leveled cats and skill ISO go to waste or need to be sold due to overflowing. This definitely gives players a better chance to receive champs they may need. Ex. (Many Mystics are good against 6.2 Champion, aiming for mystic increases your odds of using a champ for that fight.) I’d even drop the 15K shards for this. I’d suggest maybe a weekly rotation of different classes. (May 1st-7=Science. May 8th-14 Skill. May 15th-22=Mutant... and it continues like that even going into the next month.
  • Hlpr35Hlpr35 Member Posts: 119
    edited May 2020

    Hlpr35 said:

    Hlpr35 said:

    2) if someone ask for a friend finish some event or story for him its cheating but if someone sick or really busy and ask a friend take two nodes instead him im aq it isn't cheating if it's against rule then they have to change aq and aw energy system we are players not payed workers even workers can miss work some days we are human

    Let me ask you this. Pretend you're a student. If you copy someone else's work, that's cheating and plagiarism. If you're sick, and you do the same thing, it's still plagiarism. Regardless of your situation, Kabam has said that any form of account sharing is violating their terms and conditions.
    Yeah and i saying this is impossible to act while we start with 3 energy and stock 5 maximum(again im not talking about account sharing for finish some chapters in stories etc) , kabam even don't earn any money from aq energy, so point isn't copying point is we are human and some days we can busy so it shouldnt be against rules (in aq and aw only) or we need more energy in aq and aw its just a game and we can have work we can be sick we can have wedding or funeral we can have important things to do, what should we do while we are at work "umm wait boss if i just take this node in aq..."
    Exactly. We're human. So just tell your alliance that you can't do it that day. They'll understand, and if not, dump'em End of story.
    Oh ok while i paying to game and this rule is stupid i can't say it to company but i can tell my alliance my alliance think same way and many other players, defending kabm will not give you any rewards if you don't bothered by that then you can keep going log in from hospital i wont and i can complain about that its my right as customer
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    Hlpr35 said:

    Hlpr35 said:

    Hlpr35 said:

    2) if someone ask for a friend finish some event or story for him its cheating but if someone sick or really busy and ask a friend take two nodes instead him im aq it isn't cheating if it's against rule then they have to change aq and aw energy system we are players not payed workers even workers can miss work some days we are human

    Let me ask you this. Pretend you're a student. If you copy someone else's work, that's cheating and plagiarism. If you're sick, and you do the same thing, it's still plagiarism. Regardless of your situation, Kabam has said that any form of account sharing is violating their terms and conditions.
    Yeah and i saying this is impossible to act while we start with 3 energy and stock 5 maximum(again im not talking about account sharing for finish some chapters in stories etc) , kabam even don't earn any money from aq energy, so point isn't copying point is we are human and some days we can busy so it shouldnt be against rules (in aq and aw only) or we need more energy in aq and aw its just a game and we can have work we can be sick we can have wedding or funeral we can have important things to do, what should we do while we are at work "umm wait boss if i just take this node in aq..."
    Exactly. We're human. So just tell your alliance that you can't do it that day. They'll understand, and if not, dump'em End of story.
    Oh ok while i paying to game and this rule is stupid i can't say it to company but i can tell my alliance my alliance think same way and many other players, defending kabm will not give you any rewards if you don't bothered by that then ypı6can keep going
    I'm not trying to get rewards. I'm pointing out that there's a reason for the rule, and all players should respect the rule. There is a logical reason for everything in the Terms and Conditions.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,967 ★★★★★
    Actually the game belongs to them, and our right as a customer doesn't involve breaking the ToS. There are rules in place for a reason. We all empathize with things that come up in life. People get sick. They get busy. They can't make it. It's the responsibility of the Alliance to make do without them. Some kick people for things like that, something I see as way too militant, but it's their choice. I didn't want to respond because it's veering off, but it's worth noting that there are certain stresses placed on people by Alliances, not the game. None of which should involve breaking the rules and jeopardizing your Account.
  • Hlpr35Hlpr35 Member Posts: 119

    Hlpr35 said:

    Hlpr35 said:

    Hlpr35 said:

    2) if someone ask for a friend finish some event or story for him its cheating but if someone sick or really busy and ask a friend take two nodes instead him im aq it isn't cheating if it's against rule then they have to change aq and aw energy system we are players not payed workers even workers can miss work some days we are human

    Let me ask you this. Pretend you're a student. If you copy someone else's work, that's cheating and plagiarism. If you're sick, and you do the same thing, it's still plagiarism. Regardless of your situation, Kabam has said that any form of account sharing is violating their terms and conditions.
    Yeah and i saying this is impossible to act while we start with 3 energy and stock 5 maximum(again im not talking about account sharing for finish some chapters in stories etc) , kabam even don't earn any money from aq energy, so point isn't copying point is we are human and some days we can busy so it shouldnt be against rules (in aq and aw only) or we need more energy in aq and aw its just a game and we can have work we can be sick we can have wedding or funeral we can have important things to do, what should we do while we are at work "umm wait boss if i just take this node in aq..."
    Exactly. We're human. So just tell your alliance that you can't do it that day. They'll understand, and if not, dump'em End of story.
    Oh ok while i paying to game and this rule is stupid i can't say it to company but i can tell my alliance my alliance think same way and many other players, defending kabm will not give you any rewards if you don't bothered by that then ypı6can keep going
    I'm not trying to get rewards. I'm pointing out that there's a reason for the rule, and all players should respect the rule. There is a logical reason for everything in the Terms and Conditions.
    And i saying either they should change the rule or increase the energy limit otherwise its a stupid rule
  • BigBusterBigBuster Member Posts: 294 ★★★

    You've just proved my point. You don't NEED to do arena. You could just wait, like many people do.

    I don't know how you read that and thought I proved your point. Half of my post was about the arena problems, and why no one can just go and grind like you had said.

    I gave the example of BG. How long has he been looking for ghost? Months. Let's say that was you looking for a counter to a boss. How long are you going to wait at that boss? Looking at that fight everytime you log in, and knowing that you can't attempt it without using thousands of units. How long are you going to wait without feeling frustrated? Opening crystal after crystal, without getting 1 counter. This has happened to people, and just because waiting and hoping to get lucky has been working for you does not mean that it works for everyone. Also, you aren't even thinking about the units and gold you get. What is your solution to that? Wait until you get the gold do to your rank ups? Have no ISO to use, much less sell? Seems pretty frustrating to me, but maybe there are a few people who enjoy waiting to progress and use the champions they want to.

  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    Hlpr35 said:

    Hlpr35 said:

    Hlpr35 said:

    Hlpr35 said:

    2) if someone ask for a friend finish some event or story for him its cheating but if someone sick or really busy and ask a friend take two nodes instead him im aq it isn't cheating if it's against rule then they have to change aq and aw energy system we are players not payed workers even workers can miss work some days we are human

    Let me ask you this. Pretend you're a student. If you copy someone else's work, that's cheating and plagiarism. If you're sick, and you do the same thing, it's still plagiarism. Regardless of your situation, Kabam has said that any form of account sharing is violating their terms and conditions.
    Yeah and i saying this is impossible to act while we start with 3 energy and stock 5 maximum(again im not talking about account sharing for finish some chapters in stories etc) , kabam even don't earn any money from aq energy, so point isn't copying point is we are human and some days we can busy so it shouldnt be against rules (in aq and aw only) or we need more energy in aq and aw its just a game and we can have work we can be sick we can have wedding or funeral we can have important things to do, what should we do while we are at work "umm wait boss if i just take this node in aq..."
    Exactly. We're human. So just tell your alliance that you can't do it that day. They'll understand, and if not, dump'em End of story.
    Oh ok while i paying to game and this rule is stupid i can't say it to company but i can tell my alliance my alliance think same way and many other players, defending kabm will not give you any rewards if you don't bothered by that then ypı6can keep going
    I'm not trying to get rewards. I'm pointing out that there's a reason for the rule, and all players should respect the rule. There is a logical reason for everything in the Terms and Conditions.
    And i saying either they should change the rule or increase the energy limit otherwise its a stupid rule
    Why? There might be a legitimate reason for increasing the energy cap, but changing the rule makes no sense.

    I repeat. The rule is in place to prevent cheating. If you were to remove the rule, even for "AW and AQ" reasons, like you suggested, people could still cheat. The owner of the account might not be able to defeat the Doom boss, but if you were to share your account like you said, another player could just one-shot the boss and be done.

    It's not happening. Not my rules. Sorry. 🙄
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    BigBuster said:

    You've just proved my point. You don't NEED to do arena. You could just wait, like many people do.

    I don't know how you read that and thought I proved your point. Half of my post was about the arena problems, and why no one can just go and grind like you had said.

    I gave the example of BG. How long has he been looking for ghost? Months. Let's say that was you looking for a counter to a boss. How long are you going to wait at that boss? Looking at that fight everytime you log in, and knowing that you can't attempt it without using thousands of units. How long are you going to wait without feeling frustrated? Opening crystal after crystal, without getting 1 counter. This has happened to people, and just because waiting and hoping to get lucky has been working for you does not mean that it works for everyone. Also, you aren't even thinking about the units and gold you get. What is your solution to that? Wait until you get the gold do to your rank ups? Have no ISO to use, much less sell? Seems pretty frustrating to me, but maybe there are a few people who enjoy waiting to progress and use the champions they want to.

    This game is built on RNG. If you want to increase your chances, you gotta pay, whether it be in time (arena) or crystals (featured cavs). If you don't want to spend the time grinding, spend your time waiting for the perfect pull.
  • ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    ESF said:

    DrZola said:

    DNA3000 said:

    arsjum said:

    @DNA3000 Have you watched Brian Grant's video? It seems like you two have come up with similar ideas about story difficulty and legend's runs.

    I did, late last night. I agree with some of it, disagree with some of it, some of it was a bit stream-of-consciousness, but I know he addressed something like this towards the end of his video and I think the ideas are similar but slightly different in nature. But definitely compatible. The core idea is the same: make the difficulty of the base content appropriate to average users, and make challenge parameters to challenge higher tier or stronger players. I think what he wants to do with this idea is slightly different than what I would want to do, but that's because he's approaching the same problem from a different direction.

    On the general subject of BG's video and a subject that's been talked about in the thread quite a bit as well, the idea of champs being "useless" is I think a complicated one, because I think some of that is the fault of the champions themselves and some of that is the fault of the content. In other words, many of the champions we think are great are only great because the content coincidentally makes them great. Quake is only great because the devs tend to ignore her unique playstyle when making most fights, which makes her sort of kryptonite for a lot of fights. But that has nothing to do with Quake intrisically: I can easily envision an alternate timeline MCOC where Quake would be horrible for most fights. Champs like Ghost, like Aegon, like Stealth Suit Spiderman, are all good because the content either coincidentally or deliberately makes them good. There are probably lots of champs that could be good, but aren't because whatever those champs do, the content doesn't value. Bishop, for example, I think fits into this category. For whatever reason, it is easier for the devs to make content that makes Ghost look great than it does for the devs to make Bishop look great.

    Then there's champs where content could make them look great, but for various reasons the devs painted themselves into a corner and now they can't make them look great. Consider Iron Man's heal. It is actually stronger than Voodoo's heal. But IM's heal happens at low health while Voodoo's happens at start of fight. That's the difference between a heal everyone loves and a heal no one cares about. Why? Because the heal triggers so low there's a decent chance you'll die while healing. Because you implicitly have to have taken a lot of damage to trigger it, while Voodoo can heal even small amounts of chip damage over time. The way the game works, the circumstances under which you get IM's heal at all are the same ones that are likely to just kill you. It would be difficult to design content for which this wasn't true. It is so counter to the way the devs stack difficulty in the game the content would probably seem weird. But it is not impossible.

    Then there's frankly useless champs. There's almost no way to make Netflix Daredevil useful no matter what the content looks like. I can't see making Magneto useful in his current form.

    But then, there's champs even worse than the useless ones. Some champs are hopeless. See, a useless champ has hope: he's so useless he could be buffed. But there are hopeless champs that in my opinion don't even have that to look forward to because they are not totally useless, but what they do is completely subsumed by other champions. In other words, they could be used, but almost no one will ever use them because there are simply too many alternatives that are better. Ms. Marvel might be in that category. She isn't useless. But where are you going to use her? How do we make content that makes her shine? Well, she's poison immune and she procs Furies and I think she armor breaks on specials. The problem here is any content you make that makes her look good also makes the 800 pound cosmic gorilla look good: Hyperion. Hyperion is a poison immune fury-procing armor-breaking champ. Who also can heal. Whatever MM can do, Hype can do way, way better. But heck, Medusa can also do that for the most part. And Captain Marvel (movie). Even Ronan has a similar set of abilities, and he's Mr. Velveeta against buffs besides.

    You can make the content more interesting and require more diverse champs. And you can buff the bottom feeders. And maybe, just maybe, you can figure out a way to make Iron Man's heal worth something. But champs like Ms. Marvel kinda sit in Kabam's blind spot. And I think, with varying shades of grey, there are a lot of them. I'm not saying a champ has to be the best to be useful. But I think a champ either has to be much better than average doing what they are supposed to be good at, or they have to be good enough in a wider array of situations to make them at least a good generalist to have around. Kamala is neither in my opinion.

    @DrZola I think this also partially addresses your questions about champion usefulness.
    It does.

    But...the more I think about it, the more I like the notion of a champion “recall.” Forget about wasting time on Ms. Marvel (or the Magnetos). Just acknowledge they are essentially proto-champs and drop them from the playable champs side of the game, along with full refunds to players.

    It can take place over time, and no one has to waste time trying to deconstruct and then reconstruct and then run a beta. Champ gone. Poof. A month or two later, resources pop into your stash.

    Dr. Zola
    It's too late now, but what this game needs is a Gear system.
    I'm not a fan of gear systems in general unless they are implemented in very specific ways, because they almost always have nasty unintended consequences when they are retrofitted.

    I think a better system than what most people think of when they think of gear is a return of the ability tier system we used to have. It used to be that we had Bleed 2, Bleed 3, etc. Abilities could scale up with, say, higher rarity (star) level. That was flattened out in 12.X. In and of itself that would be too crude on its own, but an expansion of it so that as champions move up in rarity their abilities become more potent would I think help. Not always, but often.

    There's a recognition that higher rarity champs should offer something more than just higher numbers. That's why 5* champs have the SP3 system and 6* champs have Adrenalin. But I think this would need to be expanded much wider to have the kind of impact it should. Something in between one-size-fits-all like Adrenalin, but not all the way to redoing every single champ as they move up (which, in effect, some gear systems really are; the kind where the gear is specific to a single champion is really just an unlockable skill tree per champ). Something in the middle where healing champs get more healy, bursty champs get more bursty, power control champs get more controly. Oversimplified, but that's the idea.

    I think this also touches on one of the problems Brian mentioned in his video, but goes in a completely different direction to address it. The idea that 6* champs are just 5* champs with higher rank, that you have to grind to get again.
    I am not the biggest fan, but i did find that video so i could understand what you are saying.

    That shows how i am not inherently opposed to anything that will help this game narrow the worst of the performance gap that I think we all agree threatens the longterm viability.

    Again, I am full of olive branches and listening right now. No fighting. Because as we all know, the Brit just pulled the lid off some simmering issues the other day in his video, and while I don't want to engage in hyperbole because I saw Kabam's Act 7 announcement, i still wonder how the bulk of people are gonna get through Act 6.

    I could Unit Man it over the next week or so. I have the roster and baseline skill to do it. I could rank up another character or two, like Nick Fury or CMM, and just get it done.

    But that isn't the answer. It's a horrible answer.

    Because a ton of people don't have the ability to do that, and I know you know how much of a problem that is

  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    BigBuster said:

    Did you not read my posts? I was talking about not having the huge roster, not the time. If you had a refute to my post, you could have read the entirety of it.

    I did, in fact, read your post, and one line that struck me was, and I quote, "Firstly, to even get a champion that you will use beyond act 5, you need to participate in 1 arena, the 5* featured". This is just plain wrong. Now this leads us to your argument that specific champs are hard to come by, and to get a guaranteed champ, it's a grind.

    I agree.

    It should stay that way.

    I don't think it's a good idea to allow players to easily get their hands on a guaranteed champion. It's just not smart game design.

    So your frustration with not having access to certain champions is relatable, but a certain element of challenge and RNG should still be preserved in the game, hence why I disagree with comments like "you should be able to pick your own character".
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