Good Group-Active Casual Alliance Looking for Reliable Players. 4*r4s or Higher, 60-300K, 3k+ Prest.

Hello I am Riley (Rdawg7711) the leader of the alliance [Hk_47] "The Buisness".
The officers of the Alliance were the active members of a (different) Silver 2 alliance last season, set out under new leadership.
Our Rules:
1. Take your own lane whenever possible. (Be smart, play as a team)
2. No less than 4*r4 for Alliance Quest and War attack (Unless there is a major synergy).
3. No less than 4* r3 max level for Alliance war defense.
4. Alliance Quest is mandatory for all. Newcomers start in BG2. Low rank play in BG3 when open.
5. Alliance War is mandatory for players over 80K.
6. Don't attack the final boss if it is buffed (unless you are immune to a debuff)
If you are interested in joining, again, the alliance is [Hk-47] "The Buisness".
The officers of the Alliance were the active members of a (different) Silver 2 alliance last season, set out under new leadership.
Our Rules:
1. Take your own lane whenever possible. (Be smart, play as a team)
2. No less than 4*r4 for Alliance Quest and War attack (Unless there is a major synergy).
3. No less than 4* r3 max level for Alliance war defense.
4. Alliance Quest is mandatory for all. Newcomers start in BG2. Low rank play in BG3 when open.
5. Alliance War is mandatory for players over 80K.
6. Don't attack the final boss if it is buffed (unless you are immune to a debuff)
If you are interested in joining, again, the alliance is [Hk-47] "The Buisness".