SB3 recruiting, top 70 AQ, P4 relaxed wars. Looking for 1 or 2 players, 10.5k prestige min.

Looking for 1 maybe 2 players, 10.5k prestige min.
We run 2 days of map 7, the rest map 6. Always place top 90.
We are NOT pushing for top 45 in AQ. Really no one in our ally wants to donate that much (we don't cheat or use mercs to drop donations).
No piloting, everyone plays their own account.
We don't shell, same ally all the time (again, we don't cheat)
Wars we just finished plat 4. We've been plat 2 or 3 every season before this. We don't really take wars that seriously. We try and win every war but with prestige wars, it's kind of a **** shoot. We do try and maintain that no member die more than once every 4 nodes. Boosting not required but we do expect you to clear your paths.
US Based ally so we'd prefer US based but could take on anywhere in the world if it's a good fit.
We don't enforce minimums in any ally events! So if you don't like to grind arena, we really don't care about those rewards, they suck anyway. We do ask you at least try a little in every ally event. Just don't put up zeros.

If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, hit me up on line, same name, Gregdagr8.

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