Emotionally serious suggestion for the worst champs we should be able to get from the 6* Featured

I really hope that sometime in the near future the higher ups in the Kabam executive team will actually hire people with a heart in the team that decides who goes into the 6* featured crystal. There is absolutely no logical reason why utterly garbage champs are in there except for utter lack of compassion and lack of understanding of MCOC game dynamics among the decision-makers of who goes into the 6* featured crystal.
If you've seen Seatin's last video on why he's leaving his alliance, there's a good chunk of him ranting there about how 80% of the champs in this game are just utterly useless in Act 6 and beyond.

If you've seen Seatin's last video on why he's leaving his alliance, there's a good chunk of him ranting there about how 80% of the champs in this game are just utterly useless in Act 6 and beyond.