How many influence youtubers do we have?

I can count only 4, Seatin, Brian Grant, Lagacy, KT1, and that's it. After Cowhale left I feel lost a source of joy, seeing he popped up crystals like crazy. Then now, we may lose a guy who is generally considered the face of the game. We don't have too many great gamers so let's take it seriously Kabam. Lagacy said he was close to quit this game last year too. Lol I certainly can play the game myself but how boring it is when you can't see great video on internet or hear funny stories from funny guys.
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Mvinceable is a great player but he doesn't raise his voice and so can't call him a influencer.
I know that many hate him with a passion though.
Jason Voorhees
Seatin - crystal openings, tutorial/gameplay videos, news discussions, content clearing
Lagacy - legends runs, new champion spotlights breakdowns, content clearing
KT1 - maybe my favorite, although he ain't got that many subscribers, but I think his oppinion matches mine almost everywhere. Same content clearing, discussions of problems in the game, in the nodes, gameplay, champions breakdowns, and recently he's got much funnier videos)
Dork Lessons - how to X like a ninja))
Karate Mike - how to easily counter specific situations, War videos, content clearing
MetalSonicDude - his Grandmaster boss defeatings almost with every champion are hilarious
and as a russian-community player, I can suggest a couple of Russian streamers, who have a very informative content in their channels:
BicepsDaverShow - a player from master alliance "The Matrix Family", his videos are much more about Alliance War season clearings, streams are about content clearing, and crystal openings for subscribers the most.
Legacy Artplay - also a player from another master alliance - "Space Bastards", very informative channel, he has a breakdown for almost every champion in the game, he also has his oppinion on the best defenders, best attackers, best champions of each class, etc. Streamings are all about content clearing, Incursions lately, and crystal openings.
XUnkindX - also a player from The Matrix, same content clearing, incursions, the most professional Ghost-player in Russian-community in my oppinion.
I think there it is, 7 (and after Seatin it's 6). You can count on your fingers. Not that many, and one left is one lost, forever. You can't easily find a replacement. And if you keep pushing your community too hard, one day there will be no one staying with us.
It confounds me that the community ignores the videos that require the most talent, effort, skill, or Dork Lessons.
It's all about crystal openings. That's YouTube life, I guess. 🤷♂️
And unique like how a snake oil salesman is unique, he had another channel for that. On his mcoc channel he mainly sold b*llsh*t
Hate him or love him, you can't deny that his content is unique.
Terrible answers. They avoided every question. Their reasoning about solo events for example and gold and the economy and potions seemed like they don't even play their own game. Sorry you wasted your time there
These guys are spending too much time reviewing their Business Intelligence statistics and not enough time actually playing the game, the most recent example would be ACT 7 BETA, like the person who amde the sabretooth node, pretty much just says you dont play the game
Each one of us has a voice. But we only have influence when we band together. Even Seatin admitted he tried to get the community to stop spending a year ago. He saw Act 6 and "Act 7" coming... but the community didn't care.
Now that he has taken more drastic action, the wheels are slowly starting to turn. They also told us exactly what they planned to do waaaaay back then. They said they wanted a MORE RNG player experience. Guess what endgame rewards have been since then? More RNG. 🤔