Buff gold crystals

There are easier options like just dropping the rankup gold req, especially when we have rankup stones, I understand grind or pay but it seems I have to do both now to try and keep up with gold for rankups. I’m not opposed to having to use glory or units for gold on occasions, but when we need 2m to rank a champ.... that’s like 500 gold crystals, gold has not kept up with the costs of rankups and availability of Rankup materials,
For those helpful people I will preempt your responses, I grind arena every day for at least half hour, I only rankup useful champs, I only rankup during rankup event and only to the 4th level, having run through act 6 A month ago I have an abundance of rankup materials and cannot get the gold anywhere near fast enough to not Risk losing catalysts to expiring before I can use them
For those helpful people I will preempt your responses, I grind arena every day for at least half hour, I only rankup useful champs, I only rankup during rankup event and only to the 4th level, having run through act 6 A month ago I have an abundance of rankup materials and cannot get the gold anywhere near fast enough to not Risk losing catalysts to expiring before I can use them
Oh and one more preempt I do run incursions. Level 10 both 6 and 7 every month, it was not a gold solution, dungeons was actually way better