Why I am quitting MCOC - a few constructive thoughts

LykanonLykanon Member Posts: 45
Hello everybody,

If you are not interested in some individual experiences with this mobile game, then please do not read further. Otherwise, you are welcome to join my thoughts about my last two years with MCOC as a (non-players would be very confused) essential part of my daily life. If you are just interested in the criticism, then skip part 1 and start reading at part 2.

First part: Where did my journey began and where did it end?

I started playing MCOC in January 2018. I never played mobile games before, because I was always a PS4 gamer and quite happy with Skyrim, GTA, etc. However, I loved all Marvel movies (unfortunately I never read Comics, shame on me) and the game sounded very cool. So I downloaded, started to finish some quests and soon enjoyed and hated at the same time popping up crystals. Soon I joined my first alliance and got my first 4 star heroes. Some months and very time consuming grind later, I became uncollected. It often was really funny but mostly very frustrating. In the last month, thanks to corona associated home office, I accomplished Cavalier and completed my first variant mission. And here I stand with a nice 5* roster (CG, Ghost, Doc Voodoo, Col to name a few) and did not even reach every single target possible in the game. So obviously there is no lack of playable content. In addition, I am part of a nice and friendly alliance which respects (as most possible) private issues. However, I decided to quit this game completely.

Second part: Why do I actually quit?

Although there is a lot of of more difficult content available and I did not play more than AQ 5 and AW Gold 2 I decided to quit. Here are my three main reasons why:

1. It is an endless grind to move further in this game and very very time consuming.

If you run a full time job, have a family with kids and want to have some other hobbies, you have to invest every single minute available to progress in the game. And this is frustrating. I loved Incursions at the beginning, but the length of them to reach some goals is hilarious.

2. You can not play when you want it, you have to play when you have to or can.

As there are these, excuse me, idiotic energy costs for missions, you can not sit down for a while and enjoy playing when you have time. You have to invest money or play at inappropriate times (see number 3). IMHO, Kabam should get rid of this part of their revenue entirely in sake of an enjoyable game.
Additionally, AQ and AW require constant monitoring of the game and this is burning out oneself.

3. Reduce other, way more important, activites in order to keep on track.

As mentioned in number 1, you have to monitor the game constantly which interrupts social activities with friends, family and kids, a concentrated business work flow or even a very good Marvel movie you wanted to watch at home. There are times when our whole attention should be focused on the really important things in life. MCOC makes this very hard or in my opinion impossible. You can not seperate this game from your other private activities like other (though also grinding type) games.

These were my main reasons for quitting and my decision is fixed. However, I am interested in your opinions about my points. I know that most of them were already addressed in other threads, but I am mostly interested in your strategies in keeping a good (also in the opinion of your beloved ones around you!) balance between MCOC and other things.

Thanks for reading and greetings. :-)


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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,895 ★★★★★
    Donal1981 said:

    Yea the biggest issue is the grinding - difficulty changes.
    After latest update they make the arena become more sadistic. They state in their email CHANGES TO ARENAS which we as summoners will now be " LESS " likely to encounter enemy teams that have more than 2 times than their power.
    In FACT we as summoners now " ALWAYS " encounter enemy teams that have more than 2 times than their power in arena !!!
    Can't even use 6* r1 anymore !
    BRAVO you guys already make more and more of us to quit this **** earlier now.

    They're reverting them.
    Also, this Thread is from May?
  • edited October 2020
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  • HSS75HSS75 Member Posts: 1,161 ★★★
    i agree with every word u say bud
  • RoOOtsRoOOts Member Posts: 234 ★★
    It really is an exhausting grind if you want to get it all. I stepped down some months ago, joined a chilled alliance. doing 2*map 4 and optional AW I never join. You get 3400 Glory and nobody cares if you you dont show up some days. I really like the game like that. Going my own pace. But some people can't stand to pass some rewards and have to stop completely.
  • ZirkonZirkon Member Posts: 61
    I know an alliance with Uncollected and Cavalier level players that don’t have any AQ or AW required participation, or any required participation on anything. Their players have families and full time jobs. They just let their players play on their own terms and at their own pace. Name of the alliance is The Wild Fist.
    They are pretty wild on being relaxed. :)
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  • Pancake_FacePancake_Face Member Posts: 1,390 ★★★★
    wow this thread came back lol
  • DariusYiDariusYi Member Posts: 171
    Not sure if OP is still playing or has quit the game and forum.
    I think the sooner the player realize that this is an infinite game, the better. You don't have to reach the end game. There is no endgame in fact. There will always be a new chapter, a new champ, for as long as the game exists.

    You can get similar enjoyment of 5* rosters with your 2* or 3* rosters.

    The moment you tell yourself that you don't have to complete the story quest, and enjoying the event quest is enough, you would enjoy this game much more.

    Join the appropriate ally. Quick play daily for the login reward, and enjoy the appropriate level event quest when you have the time.
  • Grizzly_902Grizzly_902 Member Posts: 3
    ира стала отстоем и выдаиванием денег,никому не посоветую,и никто из моих знакомых тоже.сам не знаю,почему до сих пор играю-привычка что-ли.
    рыцаря давно получил,а титул не дают,потому что я кобы нет чемпиона 3-45,хотя я прошел и 6 акт и бездну легенд,но с 6* падает одно дно.ради титула качать неиграбельных-хмм,кабам в своем репертуаре.
    а войны союзов идут-и персонажей для войны качать надо-пришлось 5* качать,чтобы хоть кого-то ставить,а потом оказывается,что титул снова заработал,хотя до того,был отложен на неопределенное время.кабам мозги компостирует как обычно. ставлю ноль из 10 по десятибальной,даже минус бы поставил.нервотрепка и обман
  • Grizzly_902Grizzly_902 Member Posts: 3
    игра стала отстоем и выдаиванием денег,никому не посоветую,и никто из моих знакомых тоже.сам не знаю,почему до сих пор играю-привычка что-ли.
    рыцаря давно получил,а титул не дают,потому что, якобы, нет чемпиона 3-45,хотя я прошел и 6 акт и бездну легенд,но с 6* падает одно дно.ради титула качать неиграбельных-хмм,кабам в своем репертуаре.
    а войны союзов идут-и персонажей для войны качать надо-пришлось 5* качать,чтобы хоть кого-то ставить,а потом оказывается,что титул снова заработал,хотя до того,был отложен на неопределенное время.кабам мозги компостирует как обычно. ставлю ноль из 10 по десятибальной,даже минус бы поставил.нервотрепка и обман
  • Grizzly_902Grizzly_902 Member Posts: 3
    вечные проблемы с подключением и бесполезная тех.поддержка,от которых толка никакого.
    семь пятниц на неделе-то титул работает,то не работает,то надо качать ,то не надо.
    сами определиться не могут.у кабам поведение,как у беременной малолетки
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  • Morpheus_123Morpheus_123 Member Posts: 792 ★★★
    DuMonU said:

    While I understand your frustration, there are solutions. To start you have to remember it's a game and you are free to put as much or as little time into it as you want. There are a number of posts in the forum for "relaxed or retired" alliances, for those who want to play at their own pace with nobody hounding you to complete your path, contribute to alliance reserve, increase your SA points etc etc. I would suggest you find one of those alliances, gear down, exhale and enjoy the game again. I have done this on a couple of occasions over the years and it's worked wonders!

    You're quite right, there's plenty of alliances to do this in. I've played from the start and moved between pressure alliances to relaxed ones. The problem is that doesn't 'progress' you in the game, and that is the main point I feel the OP is making. Everyone knows we can all log on for a 5 minute fight here and there, but to get to end game content, continuously increase and improve your roster, and not simply get bored, all the downsides which are listed in the OP ARE NEEDED.

    I'm not moaning, and don't have any brilliant ideas to solve any of the issues, just helping to cement the reality that to get to the 'endgame' [no pun intended] level, this game simply has to be a major priority in your life. Both time wise and financially.
  • GiuliameijGiuliameij Member Posts: 1,849 ★★★★
    All 3 points don`t have to be so. Only if you want to be competative. For a while now I am in a map 2 only alliance. Rush to the boss, and collect roughly 2k glory a week. I only play at night for about an hour. And during the weekends maybe a little more. I always have the main event quest done by the end of the second sometimes third week. Which saves time for some autoplay revive farming for story progression.
    A little arena on the side for units for when I mess up. I am a cavalier level player.
    This way of playing does not make me Thronebreaker within the next month, and might even take me half or a whole year. Does that matter? No. I enjoy playing the game when I can, I do not have to be on the same level as a kt1, seatin or lagacy. That is not a realistic 'goal'.
    You can either choose to have to log in multiple times a day and get 4k glory. or to just run aq ones or twice a day for 3 minutes and get 2k glory.
    Progress is slower, but there is 0 pressure. And you still get those 5/65 champs. I have 15 with this type of playing.
    Joining a map 5 alliance here and there always burns me out within a month. And I revert back to what for me, is a healhty play still in a low level alliance.
  • SaltE_Wenis69SaltE_Wenis69 Member Posts: 1,993 ★★★★
    My issue is how time-consuming it is to grind for shards and everything just to know that you will get the trash. The whole point of why I'm not going to play anymore. Just my opinion but yeah that's mine.
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  • DH_forum_1DH_forum_1 Member Posts: 81
    The worst part is trying for a specific champ. You have the t5cc or whatever to rank someone but all you pull for champs to rank is consistent garbage. Why struggle so hard for rewards you can't use?
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