Next R4 for Act 5.4, Act 6.2 and further

Hello everyone,

this is my alt account. I made it mainly for transferring units via potions and refills during gifting event but I got some nice pulls in the past so I decided to play a bit more.
I completed Act 5, 6.1, V2, V3 and my next goal is V4, Act 6.2 and maybe exploring V3 and 5.4. I don't focus on that account so I propably won't explore whole act 5. I used completly different champions on my main account (except Ghost) so I'd like you ask you which champions should I R4 (mainly for V4, 6.2 and further and maybe exploring 5.4)?

this is my alt account. I made it mainly for transferring units via potions and refills during gifting event but I got some nice pulls in the past so I decided to play a bit more.
I completed Act 5, 6.1, V2, V3 and my next goal is V4, Act 6.2 and maybe exploring V3 and 5.4. I don't focus on that account so I propably won't explore whole act 5. I used completly different champions on my main account (except Ghost) so I'd like you ask you which champions should I R4 (mainly for V4, 6.2 and further and maybe exploring 5.4)?
Next R4 for Act 5.4, Act 6.2 and further 8 votes
Carnage (sig 20) - no deep wounds, no Venom as a 5*
Luke Cage (unawakened) - bleed immunity
wait for better champion
No love for The Hood and Carnage? TBH my first choice was Carnage when I duped him two days ago but with no deep wounds I feel he's not excatly who I am looking for.