Bishop underrated

Days like this, I'm happy to play mcoc... Finally, I pulled a 6-Star Bishop. I waited 2 years for him, when he was in the first pool of 6 star features in 2018, I tried for him and got Nebula. I still have no 5-Star version. Anyways, I took him for a test drive and he basically similar to my 6-Star Movie Captain Marvel. You just build them energy charges up and sp3 or sp2 and that damage amazing... Because he's always been one of my favorite X-men characters. I'm just happy to finally get him. Why doesn't he get much attention?
Bishop on the other hand has his whole kit stripped when fighting at a disadvantage. With no access to Prowess, he loses his bleed shrugging, healing, and his main source of damage output.
He's a great champ who really just needs to have his disadvantage toned down a bit.