Is a 5* Medusa worth a Cosmic Awakening Gem?

I have a Medusa as a 5 star and not really any other good cosmics. Pulled a cag from 5.4 exploration rewards and wondering if she’s worth it. My 5 star roster is here as well as my cosmics. Working on act 5 exploration and soon a 6.1 push.

It's a pretty significant damage improvement; as well as being a modestly useful defensive upgrade. If you want it to be a solid defensive upgrade, it'll take more Sig stones.
She's really useful in Act 5; possibly less so in Act 6; but more than justifies the Gem.
I don't know about Silver Surfer - some quite like him - but no one else I'd give the Gem to personally. You might pull someone better; or you might not. The Gem is a reasonable thing to do, given what you've already invested in taking her to R4.
On the other hand if you use her a lot, enjoy playing w her, and think you'd place her on AW defense, then odds are you prob won't regret it. You'll prob get good mileage. It's really only Hype that's currently a clear-cut better choice.
She'll help you at the 6.1.2 ultron boss, and afterwards the 6.2 Mr sinister, who is one of the worst bosses there.