Is a 5* Medusa worth a Cosmic Awakening Gem?

Jamesm7_Jamesm7_ Member Posts: 63
I have a Medusa as a 5 star and not really any other good cosmics. Pulled a cag from 5.4 exploration rewards and wondering if she’s worth it. My 5 star roster is here as well as my cosmics. Working on act 5 exploration and soon a 6.1 push.


  • Jamesm7_Jamesm7_ Member Posts: 63

    She's a cracking champ; and Sig level 1 gives her all the bonuses of her Fury effects (the Fury doesn't improve with Sig level).

    It's a pretty significant damage improvement; as well as being a modestly useful defensive upgrade. If you want it to be a solid defensive upgrade, it'll take more Sig stones.

    She's really useful in Act 5; possibly less so in Act 6; but more than justifies the Gem.

    I don't know about Silver Surfer - some quite like him - but no one else I'd give the Gem to personally. You might pull someone better; or you might not. The Gem is a reasonable thing to do, given what you've already invested in taking her to R4.

    Who would I have to pull to make a better investment with the gem?
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,329 ★★★★★
    Jamesm7_ said:

    She's a cracking champ; and Sig level 1 gives her all the bonuses of her Fury effects (the Fury doesn't improve with Sig level).

    It's a pretty significant damage improvement; as well as being a modestly useful defensive upgrade. If you want it to be a solid defensive upgrade, it'll take more Sig stones.

    She's really useful in Act 5; possibly less so in Act 6; but more than justifies the Gem.

    I don't know about Silver Surfer - some quite like him - but no one else I'd give the Gem to personally. You might pull someone better; or you might not. The Gem is a reasonable thing to do, given what you've already invested in taking her to R4.

    Who would I have to pull to make a better investment with the gem?
    Corvus or Hyperion .. but Medusa is well worth it.
  • 10or_Strong10or_Strong Member Posts: 1,204 ★★★
    My personal philosophy is any champ I intend to use frequently (or already use frequently) and will invest in ranking up is worth a class awakening gem. And you absolutely cannot go wrong with using it on Medusa.
  • KDSuperFlash10KDSuperFlash10 Member Posts: 5,869 ★★★★★
    Medusa is well worth it. I'm contemplating myself whether to awaken her or not.
  • MasterpuffMasterpuff Member Posts: 6,478 ★★★★★
  • Jamesm7_Jamesm7_ Member Posts: 63

    My personal philosophy is any champ I intend to use frequently (or already use frequently) and will invest in ranking up is worth a class awakening gem. And you absolutely cannot go wrong with using it on Medusa.

    I’ve been talking to some line mates and they said that she’s losing here value though?
  • Agent_X_zzzAgent_X_zzz Member Posts: 4,498 ★★★★★
    yes u should
  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,494 Guardian
    I'd say with your cosmic options she is definitely worth it. She still shuts down robots and is really useful.
  • Ja1970Ja1970 Member Posts: 114
    I used mine on her long time go, and recently took her to r5, worth it
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    You may consider proxima, but she requires some skill, and her missions are a little annoying. Personally I'd save it for hype, but you already have her at r4, so it's fine. Especially if you enjoy using her.
  • ImmortalOmegaImmortalOmega Member Posts: 18
    Corvus or Hyperion will provide you much more value than her..
  • Erza_ScarletErza_Scarlet Member Posts: 130
    I really disagree on the Hyperion shout, if we are talking strictly about awaken ability. Medusa's sig ability gives her a new dynamic set of abilities that are still useful today. And yes, she is still useful in act 6, used her a lot for my exploration especially against Darkhawk in 6.4. I also recalled clearing LOL with her not long ago. Unless you want to hold on for Corvus or CMM, I don't see a cosmic that will be more worth it.
  • ElhadjeeElhadjee Member Posts: 61
    edited May 2020
    She has a special place in my heart as she was my first 5* and I used a generic ( which I got with 15.000 units from 4th of July in 2019) on her back in the day. She served well, I finished whole chapter 5 with her and she was my only 5 65 when I became cavalier. Now I am thinking if I waited for hyperion I would be miles back because I now have 15 5/65 heroes and more than 90 5* yet I still don't have hyperion. Also don't forget that 5* ag are more accecible now. If I were in your shoes I'd use on her, but it is still up to you. Btw she still serves well in aw defence and gets some kills every now and then
  • Tru100Tru100 Member Posts: 260 ★★
    I suspect Act 5.4.6 Ultron is where Medusa shines most, maximizes her value. The fact you've explored that already means you could keep it in your pocket. Cull Obsidian is not hyped much anymore, but I think he's about same level/tier as Medusa and w him, Hyperion and CMM you have three other legit candidates in the class. Plus prospective new champs coming down the road. That's all a roll of the RNG dice, and it could collect dust a while, but bottom line is if you're done w 5.4 you prob don't need her awakened to get through rest of Act 5 explore, and most practical advice is to save rare-ish resources like that until you need them to get past a roadblock.

    On the other hand if you use her a lot, enjoy playing w her, and think you'd place her on AW defense, then odds are you prob won't regret it. You'll prob get good mileage. It's really only Hype that's currently a clear-cut better choice.
  • Aomine_Daiki10Aomine_Daiki10 Member Posts: 1,656 ★★★★★
    Use it on her.
  • BonzodavidBonzodavid Member Posts: 586 ★★★
    I used a n awakening gem on her a while ago, she's definetly worth it. It will greatly improve her damage, which is always great. Overall shes a great champion that can shut down robots, deal really good damage, and is poison immune
    She'll help you at the 6.1.2 ultron boss, and afterwards the 6.2 Mr sinister, who is one of the worst bosses there.
  • ReferenceReference Member Posts: 2,916 ★★★★★
    Worth it.
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    She is worth it, but your AG is better used on Hyperion, Corvus, CMM first
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