Credit given where it's due, thank you for the compensation Kabam!

As a community we are usually very quick to complain I thought I'd just gives credit where it's due for the maintenance compensation given out.
Thanks Kabam! Hope you are get ting overnight the server woes especially during these obviously difficult times.
Look forward to further pro player positive surprises from the team! Keeps it up!
Thanks Kabam! Hope you are get ting overnight the server woes especially during these obviously difficult times.
Look forward to further pro player positive surprises from the team! Keeps it up!
They recognized their responsibility and decided to compensate for the eventuals losses and/or stress that affected the players 👍
Kabam recognized a bug in the Abyss Captain Marvel mcu that leads players to spent a lot of unnecessary units/revives... we are still waiting for Kabam to also take their responsibility on this bug !
Disagree with you, op
I'm a little disappointed that Kabam didn't get either The Collector or The Grandmaster to apologise for the game not meeting their 'lofty standards'.
Does Carina just not care as much?