Help me decide

I really need some advice on who to rank up to 4/40 in my current roster.
At the moment my only 4 star 4/40 is X-23 and she's duped.
I'm trying to complete Act 4 and attempt Realm of Legends soon so please help me decide which champ will be the most uselful in my situation.
Angela (Unduped)
Archangel (Duped Sig Lvl 1)
Spidergwen (Unduped) - I know she's not that good but I absolutely love playing her.
Rogue (Unduped)
Vision Age of Ultron (Unduped)
The Hood (Unduped)
I really need some advice on who to rank up to 4/40 in my current roster.
At the moment my only 4 star 4/40 is X-23 and she's duped.
I'm trying to complete Act 4 and attempt Realm of Legends soon so please help me decide which champ will be the most uselful in my situation.
Angela (Unduped)
Archangel (Duped Sig Lvl 1)
Spidergwen (Unduped) - I know she's not that good but I absolutely love playing her.
Rogue (Unduped)
Vision Age of Ultron (Unduped)
The Hood (Unduped)
2. Angela (does not need to be duped)
3. Aou vision (would benefit a lot from duped and if you manage to dupe I would maybe consider over angela because you have damage dealing beasts in AA and x23)
Id rank those 3 in that order then you have a pretty solid team.