Best Power Control Champion

Hey there,
It's May 2020, and it's time to rediscuss the best power control champions in the game. Which one stands at the top! I tried to list as many candidates as I could. If I missed your personal favourite, then click 'other' and let me know who it was down below. Disclaimer: The following champions shall be judged based on their max signature level.
It's May 2020, and it's time to rediscuss the best power control champions in the game. Which one stands at the top! I tried to list as many candidates as I could. If I missed your personal favourite, then click 'other' and let me know who it was down below. Disclaimer: The following champions shall be judged based on their max signature level.
Best Power Control Champion 81 votes
You could argue ghost with hood - assuming no stun/armour break in the sp3, sand with LC. They were the two champs I used to get around powergain matchups before I got direct counters.