Is Nick Fury overrated?

I don't know if it's just me, but I feel like Nick Fury is really not performing as good as everyone hypes him up to. I have him at 4/40 awakened and I've used him in several game modes for a while now, but I've realized I prefer playing Killmonger a lot more. I find Nick's damage output really disappointing. Fights take really long and I'd rather just use other champs. What's your opinion on this?
I think Nick is the one finishing fights fastest in my entire roster, perhaps cmm can do it faster but thats its a close call.
Get him in second phase, max out Deep Wounds and end your combos with a light attack.
As long as the opponent bleeds, nick cuts right through em.
2. He’s not the only one who benefits from deep wounds
My 5/65 can get ws down in around 50 hits. With 3/5 DW
Does NF have to get his butt kicked in order to do some damage? I wouldn’t use him if I had to do that for every fight. (Referring to the video ^)
Solo’d Medusa in 6.4.1 with LMD nick no boosts
Solod Medusa again with furious nick no boost even faster.