What do we think to a rank 3 cull? Is he worth using a cosmic t5c on given the rarity of them or should I just wait until I pull a better cosmic 6 star?
don’t get me wrong, cull is a great champ especially awakened but there are certainly other champions such as corvus, cmm, hype and such but there’s such a low chance to get one of them it’s ultimately up to you
don’t get me wrong, cull is a great champ especially awakened but there are certainly other champions such as corvus, cmm, hype and such but there’s such a low chance to get one of them it’s ultimately up to you
I think Cull would make an excellent R3 6*, but because they're so rare, and because there are two or 3 champions worth ranking over him, I would wait.
I do have a rank 3 Corvus already. The champ I would really want to use it on would be cmm but I don’t have her at 6 star so my options are Cull proxima or vtd
I dont see why not. The FIRST reason you should rank a champ is cuz you like them and they make the game fun. It's a game, we supposed to play for fun. I have Angela as a R2 6 star and I wouldn't mind R3ing her.
I dont see why not. The FIRST reason you should rank a champ is cuz you like them and they make the game fun. It's a game, we supposed to play for fun. I have Angela as a R2 6 star and I wouldn't mind R3ing her.
thing is, you can play with all the champs you like without R3ing them. Rank up someone that clears a bunch of content and is super usefull to R3, and keep the champs u like at R2. I doubt a R3 angela could help anyone clear abyss anyways. If you use a champ purely for the fun of it, then u don't need to take them to a super high rank
his awakened ability gives him the fury after rout doesnt it? I do have a generic gem but i dont fancy using it on cull think there will be better champs to use it on
I dont see why not. The FIRST reason you should rank a champ is cuz you like them and they make the game fun. It's a game, we supposed to play for fun. I have Angela as a R2 6 star and I wouldn't mind R3ing her.
thing is, you can play with all the champs you like without R3ing them. Rank up someone that clears a bunch of content and is super usefull to R3, and keep the champs u like at R2. I doubt a R3 angela could help anyone clear abyss anyways. If you use a champ purely for the fun of it, then u don't need to take them to a super high rank
Oh so you are able to say what someone else may find fun? So because you don't need or want to do X it means that others shouldn't do X also? We must do Y instead cuz someone said so?
Why would Abyss be considered fun for some players? Take a step back and realize that this is a mobile game with pixels and we're supposed to play to escape real life and enjoy everyone enjoys differently. This game may not be here in 5 years so I wanna look back 10 years after and say I played how I want and I had fun not run a rat race and played champs I didn't like cuz "They can beat Z content in like 3 hits and save units".
Everytime i watch a Brian Grant video I see his profile champ being Phoenix who we all know he didnt max rank and sig cuz he likes her. It was to fulfill a quota for higher imaginary points. I used to play that way. That way is tiring after some time so now I play how I enjoy ONLY.
It enables you to activate Rout more than once per fight, and when it is in cool down a Fury buff is activated. But yeah given the rarity of resources at this point, you're better off saving your gem and your T5CC. CMM will do wonders for you if you pull her.
Fair point. If you plan on spending on the 4th of July, I'd say wait until then, because you will have 6* shards in bulk which will increase your chances of pulling her. And if you happen to dupe Cull naturally then, I'd say go ahead and rank him up.
I used a Generic 5* on my cull After the balance and took him to r5 over corvus. He Wrecks. Just the low BP but i Counter heavy and Heavy chain in corner for less Block. overall I dont Regret the rankup nor awaken
Fair point. If you plan on spending on the 4th of July, I'd say wait until then, because you will have 6* shards in bulk which will increase your chances of pulling her. And if you happen to dupe Cull naturally then, I'd say go ahead and rank him up.
Im waiting to see whats happening with the game before i decide wheither im gonna spend big or not. Usually i would but with the state of the game currently im ramped my spending down quite a bit
I used a Generic 5* on my cull After the balance and took him to r5 over corvus. He Wrecks. Just the low BP but i Counter heavy and Heavy chain in corner for less Block. overall I dont Regret the rankup nor awaken
Its pure damage that i like with him but like you say the BP is an issue
Why would Abyss be considered fun for some players? Take a step back and realize that this is a mobile game with pixels and we're supposed to play to escape real life and enjoy everyone enjoys differently. This game may not be here in 5 years so I wanna look back 10 years after and say I played how I want and I had fun not run a rat race and played champs I didn't like cuz "They can beat Z content in like 3 hits and save units".
Everytime i watch a Brian Grant video I see his profile champ being Phoenix who we all know he didnt max rank and sig cuz he likes her. It was to fulfill a quota for higher imaginary points. I used to play that way. That way is tiring after some time so now I play how I enjoy ONLY.