weekly arena suggestion

Hello there ,
there are sunday arenas, 3-day arenas, special 2 day arenas, and quick arena.
What about to copy the actual game status and higher level players progress and think about weekly (or longer term) arena, that lasts 6 days or even 14 days i don't care, with rewards that are satisfying even the end-game players. With 1-6* champs and milestone rewards only, for example:
1M points - 1xt4b
2M points - 3600 T2A fragments
4M points - 3600 T2A fragments
6M points - 1% T5CC selector
8M points - 5400 T5BC fragments
12M points - 7200 T2A fragments
16M points - 1xT4CC Crystal
20M points - 10800 T5BC fragments
30M points - 2% T5CC selector
and so on. high milestones for arena grinders.. just an idea, most of the end-game players are bored with no chance for t5cc fragments.
there are sunday arenas, 3-day arenas, special 2 day arenas, and quick arena.
What about to copy the actual game status and higher level players progress and think about weekly (or longer term) arena, that lasts 6 days or even 14 days i don't care, with rewards that are satisfying even the end-game players. With 1-6* champs and milestone rewards only, for example:
1M points - 1xt4b
2M points - 3600 T2A fragments
4M points - 3600 T2A fragments
6M points - 1% T5CC selector
8M points - 5400 T5BC fragments
12M points - 7200 T2A fragments
16M points - 1xT4CC Crystal
20M points - 10800 T5BC fragments
30M points - 2% T5CC selector
and so on. high milestones for arena grinders.. just an idea, most of the end-game players are bored with no chance for t5cc fragments.