Doctor Modoks Class Event Bug

Today the Singel Event starts, where using Tech - Champs should give some Points for getting Gold - Coins at different Milestones. The Event doesn´t work. I can fight where ever I want, with every Champ i want, i get no Points. I used all my (poor) Tech - Champs to enter the Modok - Island, it costs me 600 Units to get past and at the End - no Ponts. Fighting in the normal Event, no Points. I have no Chance to get to Milestones and get the Gold - Coins. Some other Member of my Alli have the same Problem, we all use Ipads Pro. May this ist the reason. Please fix it soon, i need the Gold - Coins and it ist very unfair if a few Players don´t get them and all the others spend Gold - Coins to buy Items in the Hotel - Shop