Rank 5 blade or void?

xXEmeraldArcherxXEmeraldArcher Member Posts: 26
Both are awakened. Void almost max sig. I have sparky an ghost rider for synergy. The content I'm playing for is mostly the monthly event.

Rank 5 blade or void? 41 votes

BigPoppaCBONEAlfa_PigeonNojokejaymAgentDoom9TaZ_4178RookiieDisgruntled_User_123007md92InfinityheartLucasjones_98DeathLoveThicco_ModeILLUSION8BerjibsFiiNCHMatty_IceMephistoCaptainGameTheMailmannMuffinBrain 21 votes
SIlverProfessortbos42Lvernon15BrokenNoOnexROLegendboy2411LordRaymond3AleorX_Factor_AgentEtjamaBazzaAdamb208Skinnyfatboy82King_Leo321FeroX_the_fat_heringLucifer1810Charlie21540User_BanedPlsCarry0nThanks_D19Shenk 20 votes


  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,598 ★★★★★
    Assuming you’re on about 5 stars you don’t need either at rank 5 for event quests and blade is nowhere near as useful for act 6 and abyss, if you’re talking 4 stars blade is probably better
  • Really_YeahReally_Yeah Member Posts: 14
    Lvernon15 said:

    Assuming you’re on about 5 stars you don’t need either at rank 5 for event quests and blade is nowhere near as useful for act 6 and abyss, if you’re talking 4 stars blade is probably better

    If you think that Blade is nowhere near as useful for act 6, then you don't know how to play with him
  • Thanks_D19Thanks_D19 Member Posts: 1,480 ★★★★
    Blade is outdated
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