AQ focused looking for 4 to get more AW action
Hi we don’t use line but our leader has it if wanted. We run AQ 3 4 4 reducing to 2 3 4, AQ is priority. But we do run 2 AW bgs. We were s2 last season s3 now. With a couple of players like we have at the top we should be s1 plus run map 5 in AQ.
Look us up my in game is Quond and we are open at the moment
Look us up my in game is Quond and we are open at the moment
Surely must be some players interested in active alliance
Check me out rudespider1993
Check my in game Quond to look at our alliance
I think map4 players would be a better fit who want to grow to map 5s.
We run 3 4 5 or 3 4 4 depending on who we have active
Look me up and message me if you want to join