ETA to complete this KABAM

Horror_punkHorror_punk Member Posts: 1,058 ★★★★

It’s been over 6 months still no more 1* champs launched and no means to get that 1* hulk other than 50 units crystal
In announcement thread you guys said in future you make them available but that future never gonna come I guess

Please do something as I’m standing on this from past 6 months hoping with every update that you make some event where new 1* are available or already existing got a chance to be pulled other than that crystal which is blatantly RNG based.
With the passage of time rewards value get depreciated and the effort would go in vain.

Please look into this


  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    Did you sell your Hulk? Or were you just unlucky enough to not pull him?
  • ZeezoosZeezoos Member Posts: 219 ★★
    I’m lucky that I never sold my champs when I didn’t know better, it’s so easy to be clever in hindsight.

    I think 1*/2* crystal, that reverses the normal trend of lower rarity being more likely, is not balanced correctly. I see why Kabam have done it like that, but I don’t agree with it.
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  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

    No, it does matter.

    I feel bad for the players who progressed too quickly to fully obtain all the 1 stars.

    However, I have no sympathy for the people who sold their 1*s. Choices.

    FYI this is a 5 year experienced player who completed act6 almost 100%, LOL 100% and Abyss initial clearance.
    I don’t know whether i got him or even sold him subsequently because I don’t remember acts done that long ago.
    And sympathy doesn’t provide 1* champ so better not to sympathise

    Stating all your accomplishments has nothing to do with this conversation. If you started playing 5 years ago, there's a 99% chance that you pulled 1* Hulk, which means you probably sold him.

    How sad.
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  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,824 ★★★★★

    Did you sell your Hulk? Or were you just unlucky enough to not pull him?

    Whatever be the case it doesn’t matter because the point here is they said they made available more ways to acquire 1* in future.
    I don't think they ever said that.
  • DarthPhalDarthPhal Member Posts: 1,064 ★★★★
    Use Gamora
  • GkeveryGkevery Member Posts: 54

    No, it does matter.

    I feel bad for the players who progressed too quickly to fully obtain all the 1 stars.

    However, I have no sympathy for the people who sold their 1*s. Choices.

    FYI this is a 5 year experienced player who completed act6 almost 100%, LOL 100% and Abyss initial clearance.
    I don’t know whether i got him or even sold him subsequently because I don’t remember acts done that long ago.
    And sympathy doesn’t provide 1* champ so better not to sympathise

    agreed here. but if i sold a 3* or 4* champ. many more possibilities for receiving that champ again in the future.
    wouldnt mind a quick 1v1 fight to have even a 10% drop rate at a 1* crystal. 5% drop rate for a 2* or somethin.... have people use the 1v1 “arena” to target their 1* champs. so u grind for an hour and get 2x 1* champs. but worth compared to 1k units on the 2* crystal.... and a “chance” for a 1*.
  • TP33TP33 Member Posts: 1,737 ★★★★★
    I think they should half/quarter the health pools on those fights, meaning that hulk would not lose value but then Gamora/vision could do the fight if they were needed to.
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  • RasiloverRasilover Member Posts: 1,477 ★★★★
    Kabam has been making the 1* sellers suffer for too long
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,824 ★★★★★
    crogs said:

    No, it does matter.

    I feel bad for the players who progressed too quickly to fully obtain all the 1 stars.

    However, I have no sympathy for the people who sold their 1*s. Choices.

    I don't think Kabam should make 1*s more available to the people who sold their champs. It's their fault.

    How is it veteran's fault when they sprang the progression based changes on them? All of a sudden you will no longer get crystals that give you one star Champs. They had no reason to believe they wouldn't pull them again, and had no chance to stave off the sudden progression change to not getting those dailies anymore.

    So when players were used to ranking, selling, pulling and repeating the process as something normal, how is it their fault they had zero control over the progression change with the timing? It's not like kabam let them hold off on the change considering they progressed passed that point a while before.

    I can somewhat understand the childish immature attitude towards newer players who began in the progression world, but to extend it to vets who had no choice and no real warning is a different story.

    And I still have my hulk and already completed V4. No real desire to explore it at the moment.

    5 years ago we didnt have the progression levels.....
  • GreekhitGreekhit Member Posts: 2,820 ★★★★★

    Please do something as I’m standing on this from past 6 months
    With the passage of time rewards value get depreciated and the effort would go in vain.
    Please look into this

    Why don’t you just blast your way through it? If you need so desperately those rewards, just collect or buy X amount of units and finish it. Waiting on the perfect counter to come your way might be very long 😉

  • Horror_punkHorror_punk Member Posts: 1,058 ★★★★
    Greekhit said:

    Please do something as I’m standing on this from past 6 months
    With the passage of time rewards value get depreciated and the effort would go in vain.
    Please look into this

    Why don’t you just blast your way through it? If you need so desperately those rewards, just collect or buy X amount of units and finish it. Waiting on the perfect counter to come your way might be very long 😉

    If i was overflowing with units and not playing as a F2P summoner then I would have already blasted through it. But i got targets such as Abyss 100% and Act6 100% (almost done).
    So I guess this is not the right way (at least for me at this point of game).
    In the entire game there’s no other path where you require only 1 champ to clear it. Narrowing out a content to such an extent is a clear description of hidden motive of earning bare cash that’s it.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,824 ★★★★★
    Nocko said:

    Whether a player sold their 1* or simply progressed too quickly to obtain, it is a form of extortion to produce content that requires very specific character needs, and then offer a completely reversed RNG format for currency to obtain what you need for the content

    Add in the fact Kabam said these champs would be made available in other ways into the future and still havent done so... its perhaps the most morally bankrupt **** they've pulled.
    FWIW i've got 100% complete on it, i did sell champs on my main account but the mini i started about a month ago? Progressed too quickly, dont have the champs to do it when my account is ready for it.

    Kabam need to address this asap... and it's so god damn easy to fix.

    Jesus. Now we're calling it extortion. 🤦
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  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    Further they deliberately made that crystal with upside down RNG rate first time in its case where a lowered tier champs pulling % is lower(20%) than higher tier champs(80%).
    This is not a good way to earn money

    Actually no they didn't. It's a very old crystal that was sold to help players get 2*s very early in the games existence. They just rereleased it as it also contains 1*s.
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