ETA to complete this KABAM

It’s been over 6 months still no more 1* champs launched and no means to get that 1* hulk other than 50 units crystal
In announcement thread you guys said in future you make them available but that future never gonna come I guess
Please do something as I’m standing on this from past 6 months hoping with every update that you make some event where new 1* are available or already existing got a chance to be pulled other than that crystal which is blatantly RNG based.
With the passage of time rewards value get depreciated and the effort would go in vain.
Please look into this
I feel bad for the players who progressed too quickly to fully obtain all the 1 stars.
However, I have no sympathy for the people who sold their 1*s. Choices.
I don't think Kabam should make 1*s more available to the people who sold their champs. It's their fault.
I think 1*/2* crystal, that reverses the normal trend of lower rarity being more likely, is not balanced correctly. I see why Kabam have done it like that, but I don’t agree with it.
I don’t know whether i got him or even sold him subsequently because I don’t remember acts done that long ago.
And sympathy doesn’t provide 1* champ so better not to sympathise
This is not a good way to earn money
How sad.
Now don’t be sad
By accomplishments i mean to say that either make content doable or not make at all if it doesn’t cater everyone. What’s the point of restricting players who not got 1* hulk who is only option for that paths
Nowhere in battlerealm you find only 1 option to clear a path. If path based on 1 champ then why release 150+ champs
Kabam comes up with shards and then add a FEATURE to sell champs for shards. Makes a big to do about in yay, you can sell them for shards !! I remember the in game message with the wight stars and all.
Then people use this new feature that kabam created. Then the coolest April’s fools joke happens when kabam starts creating content for lower star ratings.
Trust me, I’m horrible at arguing, I can see both sides of an argument 100%, that’s why I Stay out of them 😂. Someone has to see my point though.
wouldnt mind a quick 1v1 fight to have even a 10% drop rate at a 1* crystal. 5% drop rate for a 2* or somethin.... have people use the 1v1 “arena” to target their 1* champs. so u grind for an hour and get 2x 1* champs. but worth compared to 1k units on the 2* crystal.... and a “chance” for a 1*.
Of course its not their fault, were they supposed to have for foresight that Variant 4 was gonna come out? What a joke of a post.
As for selling, noone expected that 5 years down the line they would need a 1* champ. Selling doesn't give much, but some may have sold by mistake. Can't predict the future. Silly post.
So when players were used to ranking, selling, pulling and repeating the process as something normal, how is it their fault they had zero control over the progression change with the timing? It's not like kabam let them hold off on the change considering they progressed passed that point a while before.
I can somewhat understand the childish immature attitude towards newer players who began in the progression world, but to extend it to vets who had no choice and no real warning is a different story.
And I still have my hulk and already completed V4. No real desire to explore it at the moment.
So I guess this is not the right way (at least for me at this point of game).
In the entire game there’s no other path where you require only 1 champ to clear it. Narrowing out a content to such an extent is a clear description of hidden motive of earning bare cash that’s it.