What “god tier” champions do you not like, and why?

For me, it’s Doom. Call me a Doom-hater, disagree all you want, but I hate the look, and I hate the idea of such a special based rotation.
Never taking past R4. More out of pride at this point after all the time I’ve spent bashing him. I regret nothing.
Throws my first combo timing off, every fight.
Same for Blade. Just not for me.
I never liked him. He's just so overrated, have no use beyond Act 6. An he's garbage without suicides, and charges.
i don't use him much in long fights but he's quite useful there too ... most people panic when they run out of his Glaive hits but sustain and he'll get back to beasting.
the game is all about matchups ... but i get it .. we like who we like and not LOL
Symbiote supreme
I’ve explored act 5 100% and cleared up to 6.3.1 without those so called gods