Is there a way to claim old Marvel Insider Rewards?

So, over the last few months, MCOC has added the ability to gain Marvel Insider Points for completing various quests. These Points can be used to get some small rewards inside of the game. However, the Marvel Insider website is set up very poorly, and it is extremely hard to find the way to claim the points you've earned. There is no Contest of Champions tab at all, and I had no idea where to find the place where you can claim rewards until early this morning when I tried looking through again. Now for the question: Is there a way to claim the rewards of old accomplishments? I've completed the last 3 or 4 quests that could reward Marvel Insider Points, but I haven't claimed them since I couldn't navigate the setup until now. Someone please let me know, whether a moderator or a user. Thanks.
Then they should really set the website up better. There is no MCOC tab. The current rewards are listed under Guardians of the Galaxy. Does Kabam/Marvel not understand how it's confusing to put video game rewards under a tab for a group of superheroes, especially when that group of heroes just got a new movie released? The current system doesn't make any sense. The only reason I found it is because I just started clicking every freaking tab on the page. Kabam/Marvel needs to make a sensible tab for the game itself so it's easy to find and/or make the old rewards available to claim. The current system is nonsensical and broken.
If they want to cross-promote, which is actually really smart, they need to do it well. If MCOC will endorse Marvel Insider, and Marvel Insider will endorse MCOC, then it needs to make sense. Marvel Insider should give MCOC it's on tab instead of lumping it in with the **** that I don't care about, like the videos of some old dude talking about why Gamora is cool. I'm only on that site for MCOC so that I can try out some of the new characters as 3 stars, not to sort through the whole site's digital comics and commentary videos.
There was also something like a user redeemed the rewards and did not get it. This forum Mod said Marvel Insider gave the list so ... all questions to be directed to Marvel Insider.
How would I do that? Where should I contact them?
Thanks. I'll give it a go.
Yes, I agree. And also, am I the only one not gaining my earned Points? I've fully explored the event quest, the scrap quests, and many other quests, claimed the rewards, and gotten no points. Plus, I've done the thing that says you're connected to the game itself. That's worth 20k points. So are all the quest exploration points. Yet I have 7k points. No way.
The most valuable info is the last line of the in game mails, if you have any questions or comments contact marvel insider.
I must've missed the part that said Guardians of the Galaxy 2 was where it was located... Let me check... Nope, it wasn't mentioned.
Contacting support takes a long time to get a response in my experience, so I came to see if others in my situation knew the answer to my question. That's not against the rules. Moderators have said several times that discussion is encouraged.
Where and How I can see it?. Should I sign up a prom or whatever?.
Complete the event quests to receive a notification in your mailbox. It is a link to the site.