Aegon: Where he stands, and his utility

I just pulled an Aegon, and obviously I was excited, I knew about his great ramp-ups and everything about him.
I'm Cavalier and pushing elders bane, to get that generic and awaken him.
My problem is: Where else is he good except lol and the abyss? Can you use him in aw or aq? Incursions? Act 6?
If someone can give me a full run down and breakdown of all the places he fits, that would be greatly appreciated.
I'm Cavalier and pushing elders bane, to get that generic and awaken him.
My problem is: Where else is he good except lol and the abyss? Can you use him in aw or aq? Incursions? Act 6?
If someone can give me a full run down and breakdown of all the places he fits, that would be greatly appreciated.