just pulled him as my 13th 5*, is he worth ranking up to r3 possibly? i also have a tech gem from the rifts that i could use but i’m not sure? any suggestions?
If you can awaken him and have sig stones, do it and rank him up. He's fun to play and has a lot of uses. Has a really big poison that is really nice. Also has a passive heal block that won't trigger masochism and is great for V3 Rogue.
I took him to 5/65 and don't have any regrets. His passive heal block comes in handy all the time. His damage reflection and poison make him a unique champ that's fun to play.
I have him at 6/2, unawakened. He’s much more of a beast than I anticipated. I’d love to awaken him.
I have him also in my jr account (6* R1) and I’m seriously considering rank him to R2
I had a level up gem I was holding, wasn’t sure about using it on Mysterio and finally did, and wow, I don’t regret it one bit. He scaled up beautifully.