AQ Human Torch bug
So, we were fighting Human Torch and we noticed every time a character apply bleeds to him:
First, it doesnt apply because of the node.
Second, HT gets a smoulder passive.
The second thing is pretty annoying, since I mainly use Killmonger on that miniboss and also i think it is not the correct behavior of the character or the node.
Can you please look into it?
First, it doesnt apply because of the node.
Second, HT gets a smoulder passive.
The second thing is pretty annoying, since I mainly use Killmonger on that miniboss and also i think it is not the correct behavior of the character or the node.
Can you please look into it?
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Lyra can we get a FIX please — because this is annoying. I don't have video, but a picture of my Nick getting incinerated from his smolder he gains from my bleeds.
For example iceman coldsnap at the start of the fight, you can also see it in dreamin’s latest war vid
In this imagine the torch had limited immunity and you can see because corvus parried he applied 2 debuffs that torch was immune to so he gained 2 smoulder, you can also see this in that iceman screenshot above where he gets smoulder from coldsnap at the start, also the imagine above is from a human torch on node 37 of tier 1
he builds up smoulders even i dont hit with energy attack or similar.
I have a video but i dont know how to upload it here.