Gold and Rank Ups

Zodiac_SignsZodiac_Signs Member Posts: 54
So, I've been more of a reader of this forum than a contributor. Was going through a few posts and one thing that struck me was the gold issue.

Nope, this is not going to be a post on the gold situation but more towards rank up choices. I have seen this pop up a few times whereby if we rank up 'responsibly', there should be enough gold

What got me intrigued is how many rank ups would someone need to be 'sufficiently happy' with their progress? What would be considered a satisfactory amount of rank ups for you personally in a month?

Example - one R4 to R5 5 star rank up? Two or three R4 to R5 4 star rank ups? Insufficient gold? Will you just stick to all 3 star rank ups temporarily or just not rank up anyone?


  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,491 ★★★★★
    edited June 2020
    Personally I rank up champs who I find useful as 5* in content...and then I'll rank up champs I like as 2* and 3*. If I dont have enough resources to rank a 5* during a level up event I will still level a 2 or 3 or even 4* (but no past r3) to get the milestone rewards and units.

    Gold is still an issue but I don't rank up more than one 5* during any event typically so a week of grinding arena and other events like the new incursions usually provides me with enough gold the next time level-up comes back around to do it again. I never have more than 2m but never less than 200k in gold with grinding.

    Typically what it means is that maybe once a month I can r4 or r5 someone. If I do plan to do this then during that month I won't carry any 5* higher than r2 or r3 if I have enough resources, to save up for the one I'm investing in for content.
  • Zodiac_SignsZodiac_Signs Member Posts: 54
    Bugmat78 said:

    Personally I rank up champs who I find useful as 5* in content...and then I'll rank up champs I like as 2* and 3*. If I dont have enough resources to rank a 5* during a level up event I will still level a 2 or 3 or even 4* (but no past r3) to get the milestone rewards and units.

    Gold is still an issue but I don't rank up more than one 5* during any event typically so a week of grinding arena and other events like the new incursions usually provides me with enough gold the next time level-up comes back around to do it again. I never have more than 2m but never less than 200k in gold with grinding.

    Typically what it means is that maybe once a month I can r4 or r5 someone. If I do plan to do this then during that month I won't carry any 5* higher than r2 or r3 if I have enough resources, to save up for the one I'm investing in for content.

    It's a very sound choice. Based on that rank up strategy, would you say that it meets your minimum 'expectations'? As in you're happy with the progression you are making?
  • AstoundsAstounds Member Posts: 323 ★★
    If i can r5 someone a month im happy. With the rate my pulls have been going, that hasn't happened much lately so ita been bringing some people to r4 periodically. Some to r3 just because i feel obligated to rank up someone otherwise i feel like my account sits stagnant. At the moment I don't have anyone I want to r5 so I'm just sitting and hoarding materials. Which is aggravating on a personal level because it feels like I'm working on materials and storing them (which is fine) but not able to put them to use properly. But its just a dry spell. Eventually I'll get torch or nick fury or stealth spidey and ill have the materials to rank them quickly. But all in all a r5 every month is ideal, every other month keeps me happy.
  • AdixRajAdixRaj Member Posts: 114
    Tell me something , I ranked up a champ for story mode , but then my bg needs a mini counter and. I must rank up another champ to help in aq , but hey , because there’s always a gold shortage and I must carefully plan rank ups , I yet again stuck for a few weeks until I accumulate a decent chunk of gold to take the champ to r5

    People who say rank up wisely are just trying to shabbily cover the pathetic gold drought in the game

    Something so trivial as gold is killing the vibe real fast !

    ( plenty of good 5* champs worthy of r5 , just sitting because there’s no gold )
  • AdixRajAdixRaj Member Posts: 114
    But didn’t they reduce gold , so one would have to buy aq tickets from the unit store ? Working as intended I guess !!

    Game has surely come a long way from being f2p friendly , been playing since mid 2017 , idk what changed for kabam ? They decided to abandon f2p
  • Zodiac_SignsZodiac_Signs Member Posts: 54
    Astounds said:

    If i can r5 someone a month im happy. With the rate my pulls have been going, that hasn't happened much lately so ita been bringing some people to r4 periodically. Some to r3 just because i feel obligated to rank up someone otherwise i feel like my account sits stagnant. At the moment I don't have anyone I want to r5 so I'm just sitting and hoarding materials. Which is aggravating on a personal level because it feels like I'm working on materials and storing them (which is fine) but not able to put them to use properly. But its just a dry spell. Eventually I'll get torch or nick fury or stealth spidey and ill have the materials to rank them quickly. But all in all a r5 every month is ideal, every other month keeps me happy.

    That's exactly what I was thinking about. The balance between managing expectations and the 'happiness level',. After all, the game has a huge emphasis on collecting champs and their rank ups. A gold situation or bad RNG may put off rank ups for a while and the feel of stagnancy may set in. To some, any sort of rank ups is like a 'quick fix'
  • AzKicker316AzKicker316 Member Posts: 2,514 ★★★★★
    It's about resource management, but ultimately about RNG pulls and how long it takes to get someone worthy of ranking up. You can go months of bad pulls which allows you to save resources, but at the cost of that stagnant feeling with the game. It's all about balance and how high set your expectations.
  • Zodiac_SignsZodiac_Signs Member Posts: 54
    xNig said:

    That’s the problem. You find that it’s “trivial” and hence has no importance, so you expect it to be handed to you without putting in the effort.

    AQ rewards you with rank up materials.
    AW rewards you with shards and rank up materials (from seasons).
    EQ rewards you with shards and rank up materials.
    Arena rewards you with units, gold, and ISOs from shards.

    They all work in tantem to provide everything you need to progress in the game. Ignoring or skipping one will cause a bottleneck somewhere.

    Look around the forums. You’ll see complaint posts about not getting champs (shard shortage), t1a/t2a/T4B/t5b shortage, gold shortage, ISO shortage... blah blah blah.

    Units and spending can get around all the above shortages but people are expecting to get around them and progress as fast as others who actually put in the effort to balance intake across all resources in the game.

    Would not want to deep dive into this as I have seen both sides of the argument. I do agree at various stages, there could be shortages of various kinds. Do you think another round of bump up rewards might alleviate this?
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    edited June 2020
    As long as people don’t learn to manage their resources, a bump up isn’t going to help.

    I don’t think my shard acquisition is slow. In fact, I do all milestones for 4/5* arenas for shards, in Tier 2 AW (which gives quite abit shards, ranking Plat 2/3), explore beginner to UC EQ, clock incursion milestones every round. So I’m really getting quite a handful of shards every month.

    Versus my gold acquisition rate, I’m still at an approximate 300-400k net positive monthly. I used to pay all my AQ donations in gold (780k Weekly) as well.

    Side note: I only level up during level up events. But saying that, I max rank all my 1/2/3*s, 4*s are a minimum of 4* R3, 5*s are in process but they’ll at least sit at 5* R1 max level, 6*s are all max level as well (at R1/2/3).
  • TitoBandito187TitoBandito187 Member Posts: 2,072 ★★★★
    As long as t2a and t4cc and other higher level rankup material are expiring, and there isn't enough gold to use it, people will be unhappy.

    Yes there are people who rank faster than they accumulate gold, but if you have valuable resources constantly expiring, then you aren't managing your resources poorly.

    Gold will always be an issue for people who mismanage resources, but it should not be an issue caused because the ratio of gold is out of date with the ratio of other resources available and increased influx of champions.

    At a point in the game, if you want to progress, you need 5* R5s and 6* r2/3. It takes time to get there, but the pace for the majority of players to rank just one all the way up is abysmal. Kabam raises the block damage so even the strongest champ's get KOd from one mistake or unavoidable DOT, etc. It's not always about how many people you want to rank up, but sometimes who you need to rank up and the cost do that when you finally get them.

    The question to me is what is a reasonable expectation of time to accumulate the gold and how much time in that period needed to "grind" a resource that comes in so slowly.

    Yes, resource management is a must. But do you honestly think that 36k gold for the entire UC monthly EQ is really in line for the time spent on it especially when they drop units from the rewards too? Do you really believe Kabam has scaled the iso from dupes from 3* to 4* to 5* to 6* based on what it was like in earlier years if the game... 2 for. 3* dupe, 24 for a 4* dupe... 24 for a 5* dupe, 24 for a 6* dupe.... Hmmmmmmmmmm? No additional help, but the cost to level a 6* is insane.

    There are so many people not even bothering to level 6* R1 because of the cost and their uselessness in content. Kabam says they want people to use all champ's and diversify, but wheres the incentive too when certain resources must be sanded and used so sparingly on such a small pool of actually useful champ's as the game gets harder the farther you progress into act 6.

    No one with ghost, quake, Aegon, and an abundance of the top champ's needed to best end game content already seems to care because they're already set. But, when your that player who is trying to make due with the RNG champ's you have, and you finally do get one of those champ's, then yeah, who wants to grind arena for hours a day over a couple of months while other resources are expiring in the meantime.

    Just balance it a bit more is what people are really asking for. Keep the game fun, don't burn people out for something to trivial.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★

    As long as t2a and t4cc and other higher level rankup material are expiring, and there isn't enough gold to use it, people will be unhappy.

    Yes there are people who rank faster than they accumulate gold, but if you have valuable resources constantly expiring, then you aren't managing your resources poorly.

    Gold will always be an issue for people who mismanage resources, but it should not be an issue caused because the ratio of gold is out of date with the ratio of other resources available and increased influx of champions.

    At a point in the game, if you want to progress, you need 5* R5s and 6* r2/3. It takes time to get there, but the pace for the majority of players to rank just one all the way up is abysmal. Kabam raises the block damage so even the strongest champ's get KOd from one mistake or unavoidable DOT, etc. It's not always about how many people you want to rank up, but sometimes who you need to rank up and the cost do that when you finally get them.

    The question to me is what is a reasonable expectation of time to accumulate the gold and how much time in that period needed to "grind" a resource that comes in so slowly.

    Yes, resource management is a must. But do you honestly think that 36k gold for the entire UC monthly EQ is really in line for the time spent on it especially when they drop units from the rewards too? Do you really believe Kabam has scaled the iso from dupes from 3* to 4* to 5* to 6* based on what it was like in earlier years if the game... 2 for. 3* dupe, 24 for a 4* dupe... 24 for a 5* dupe, 24 for a 6* dupe.... Hmmmmmmmmmm? No additional help, but the cost to level a 6* is insane.

    There are so many people not even bothering to level 6* R1 because of the cost and their uselessness in content. Kabam says they want people to use all champ's and diversify, but wheres the incentive too when certain resources must be sanded and used so sparingly on such a small pool of actually useful champ's as the game gets harder the farther you progress into act 6.

    No one with ghost, quake, Aegon, and an abundance of the top champ's needed to best end game content already seems to care because they're already set. But, when your that player who is trying to make due with the RNG champ's you have, and you finally do get one of those champ's, then yeah, who wants to grind arena for hours a day over a couple of months while other resources are expiring in the meantime.

    Just balance it a bit more is what people are really asking for. Keep the game fun, don't burn people out for something to trivial.

    That’s where you’re wrong. People do not need 5*R5/6*R2 to “progress”. What kind of “progress” are you talking about?

    Progressing your account from a 5*R4 to 5*R5? Progress is when you’ve done your quest content and progressed further into the story, and more end game content.

    For that to happen, it takes time. The reason why people are running out of gold whilst having resources expire is because they are skipping content meant to be explored eg A4 and A5. That takes time.

    And as time passes, people accumulate gold and ISOs from other parts of the game, that solves the resource issue.

    What a lot of people have been doing, is skipping A4/5 exploration, then doing completion runs of A4/5/6 (whilst complaining that it’s too difficult or they do not have the correct counters for the defenders). They are so hooked onto the power boost given by the chapter/act completion rewards that they neglect the basic fundamental building block of the game, ie time (then they complain that the game is geared towards p2w).

    Let’s put it this way. The game is designed for people to progress in a set way. Complete Act, Explore Act, Complete next Act, Explore next Act. Whilst in this process, arena grinding, AQ, AW, side quests, and EQ provide all the necessary resources to maintain a continual upgrade of the account roster. And you’ll notice that every single aspect mentioned above, takes time to refresh. Energy wise, quest wise.

    If people skip the progression route that the game is designed for in a bid to further “progress” their accounts, of course they will run into resource problems, simply because they aren’t following how the game designed the progression route to be.

    This is why, as I’ve mentioned before, Story Acts (and permanent content eg LoL/AoL) should be gated based on Act Exploration, and not Completion.
  • TitoBandito187TitoBandito187 Member Posts: 2,072 ★★★★
    So, you're saying as the content gets harder, we shouldn't be able to get better champ's? Sure it takes time. Too much though. You're entitled to your opinion, but I really don't care.
  • AdixRajAdixRaj Member Posts: 114
    xNig said:

    That’s the problem. You find that it’s “trivial” and hence has no importance, so you expect it to be handed to you without putting in the effort.

    AQ rewards you with rank up materials.
    AW rewards you with shards and rank up materials (from seasons).
    EQ rewards you with shards and rank up materials.
    Arena rewards you with units, gold, and ISOs from shards.

    They all work in tantem to provide everything you need to progress in the game. Ignoring or skipping one will cause a bottleneck somewhere.

    Look around the forums. You’ll see complaint posts about not getting champs (shard shortage), t1a/t2a/T4B/t5b shortage, gold shortage, ISO shortage... blah blah blah.

    Units and spending can get around all the above shortages but people are expecting to get around them and progress as fast as others who actually put in the effort to balance intake across all resources in the game.

    It shouldn’t be like a that ! I’m here to play and enjoy , not to grind for a resource that’s purposely being made scarce by kabam ....

    Look at MFF. , they give tons of gold for free , you never have to grind for gold , why can’t mcoc be the same ? Why does every aspect of the game has to be monetised so blatantly , well it’s a business , but then the balance is gone!

    If someone’s going to tell me to grind for a particular resource , I’m always going to disagree since it’s not fun and enjoyment anymore , which are the main reasons I open the game in the first place , don’t force something down my throat that makes me want to quit altogether

    Catalysts should be the real bottleneck , even if someone had gold or iso , they can’t acquire cats if they can’t acquire them

    Too many ingredients to rank up and then farming them dosent sound fun , even if I had time , I’d prefer not to do arena because I’m not happy

  • FalongFalong Member Posts: 125
    I ve rank up all champs I can and I still have over 170m gold since 2 years ahah
  • FalongFalong Member Posts: 125

    All I need are 6* stones , t5b t2a t4b so I can rank up more!
  • AdixRajAdixRaj Member Posts: 114
    Falong said:

    All I need are 6* stones , t5b t2a t4b so I can rank up more!

    Welcome to the 24x7x365 arena life !
  • crogscrogs Member Posts: 779 ★★★
    AdixRaj said:

    xNig said:

    That’s the problem. You find that it’s “trivial” and hence has no importance, so you expect it to be handed to you without putting in the effort.

    AQ rewards you with rank up materials.
    AW rewards you with shards and rank up materials (from seasons).
    EQ rewards you with shards and rank up materials.
    Arena rewards you with units, gold, and ISOs from shards.

    They all work in tantem to provide everything you need to progress in the game. Ignoring or skipping one will cause a bottleneck somewhere.

    Look around the forums. You’ll see complaint posts about not getting champs (shard shortage), t1a/t2a/T4B/t5b shortage, gold shortage, ISO shortage... blah blah blah.

    Units and spending can get around all the above shortages but people are expecting to get around them and progress as fast as others who actually put in the effort to balance intake across all resources in the game.

    It shouldn’t be like a that ! I’m here to play and enjoy , not to grind for a resource that’s purposely being made scarce by kabam ....

    Look at MFF. , they give tons of gold for free , you never have to grind for gold , why can’t mcoc be the same ? Why does every aspect of the game has to be monetised so blatantly , well it’s a business , but then the balance is gone!

    If someone’s going to tell me to grind for a particular resource , I’m always going to disagree since it’s not fun and enjoyment anymore , which are the main reasons I open the game in the first place , don’t force something down my throat that makes me want to quit altogether

    Catalysts should be the real bottleneck , even if someone had gold or iso , they can’t acquire cats if they can’t acquire them

    Too many ingredients to rank up and then farming them dosent sound fun , even if I had time , I’d prefer not to do arena because I’m not happy

    Then don't play? Go play the game that's plentiful in gold if that's what makes you happy.

    If someone wants to be rank happy because that's what brings them enjoyment, well that's on them. Maybe they are playing the wrong game because that's not how this game is designed.

    If the alliance asks you to rank someone for war or AQ on top of who you want to rank, that's an alliance issue, not a game issue. Maybe go find a different alliance.

    At this stage of the game, all my 3's are maxed. I only have 2's to rank because of the new crystals. All my 4's are at 3/30 minimum. The only way one goes past that is if they can help synergy wise with my quest teams, and I don't have them as a 5 or 6 (well mostly 5). Maybe the rare God tier type I'll max, like AA who I don't have as a 5. 5's don't go beyond R2 unless I think they'll be helpful as an r4 or I want to max them. I'll have my first R2 6 soon (unduped domino) so I haven't ranked anyone in a while that requires T5B or t2a. Hopefully after this AQ I'll be able to.

    I play very little arena. I sell iso and cats I don't need. I have over 10 million gold, and will probably have that after I R2 domino and go through another selling of the iso and cat overload. And I can usually put up a bit over 20k every other SA.
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